View Full Version : Making someone else's story, mine own. Trigger!

28-12-16, 03:57
I found out today that a friend of a friend was just diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer. She is 33, and has two little kids. My first thought was, what were her symptoms? What if I have this (I always have stomach issues) and last was OMG this poor woman and her family, what can I do to help them. The thing is, I haven't stopped thinking about it all day. I feel like I'm mourning someone who, ine isn't even gone and probably will fight this and two, someone I don't even know on a personal level. I'm making this about me. All I keep thinking about is how frighten she is. She is living my biggest fear, but in reality she is living everyone's biggest fear and she is only 33. She got an already very rare cancer at a very young age. Horrible. Why do I turn everyone's story into my own? Why do I always assume I will get it too?

28-12-16, 04:20
Why do I turn everyone's story into my own? Why do I always assume I will get it too?

For the same reasons that there are several current threads about throat issues or node issues or you name the fear issues. A celerity dies and there's a post about fearing that happening. remember the ebola scare? sheesh....

It seems to be a common trait of HA sufferers. That and the fact that HA is a selfish illness often absorbing the sufferer into a world of their own worries.

Sorry to hear about this friend. Life is short. Learn to enjoy it because living with constant fear and worry is not really living.

Positive thoughts

bin tenn
28-12-16, 04:21
You're from AZ, or no? Username is very similar to one there. Just curious. If so, hi there. :-P To answer the "why", while it's not simple per se, the short answer is: anxiety. That's what health anxiety does - it's not unusual at all for someone with health anxiety/OCD. Most likely a conditioned response, which can be reduced and eventually eliminated by therapy, meds, self help - whatever method works best for you. Are you currently pursuing any of those?

And I know what it feels like. I used to do it all the time, and many others do it. So you're not alone.

28-12-16, 04:30
Hi Bin!! Yes it's me, I was Momof3beauties on AZ. I'm seeing my therapist on Thursday so I will bring this up. I just don't understand, you hear about a cancer being "rare" and then you find out someone in your world has it. So scary, and you guys are right. Life is too short to worry, I just wish I could stop worrying!!!

bin tenn
28-12-16, 04:38
Thought so. Glad to see you, but wish it wasn't due to continued anxiety. :-P I know. I used to freak out about cancer and heart problems when I would just read/hear the words. Eben if it wasn't about someone actually having it. It wax awful. The stories about George Michael and Carrie Fisher would've triggered terrible anxiety for me not too long ago.

Be open with your therapist. Listen closely to what they teach you and apply their techniques. And most importantly, feel well and enjoy your own life. Take care!