View Full Version : appendicitis worries? :(

28-12-16, 07:33
Apparently tonight is just not my night...

I'm a real night owl, and I like to get my exercise in at night when everyone else is fast asleep. That's usually all fine and good, except when I'm having fun jumping around and suddenly my lower right side specifically starts hurting, I go into full panic mode. I've had this as one of my very biggest fears next to heart problems for a while now, so the moment the jumping started to hurt my first rational thought was "it's probably a cramp or something", but the louder more anxious thought was "but it's on the right side! and it hurts only when I jump! that sounds like something serious!" so I began going into full panic attack mode and went to sit down instead. I waited it out for a good 10 or so minutes and felt fine, though I did give in and google a little (I know, bad!) so I gave it another shot. But after a few seconds the jumping started to hurt again and I had to stop. I've already done extensive research on all this like any HA sufferer does, so of course I was immediately doing the "stand on your toes" test and all of that good stuff, but none of that helped make anything clearer...

I've been resting for a good 15 minutes now and so far I feel fine as long as I don't jump around... The rational part of me (and even my good friend I immediately texted in a panic) both say I'm just overreacting, but of course I can't help being scared of the uncertainty... Am I just being oversensitive? I hate automatically jumping to the worst conclusion, but it feels like I can never be sure if something is wrong with my body...:unsure:

28-12-16, 16:39
It's a cramp. It probably is due to something you ate/drank before exercising. I get them from time to time when I run - not fun at all (especially when you're running a timed mile!) but also not dangerous.

Appendicitis doesn't just go away with rest; it's characterized by **excruciating** pain and fever.

Try to rest easy :)

28-12-16, 17:07
I'm an RN and I've seen people with appendicitis cases. Forget jumping around, if you had it you wouldn't be able to even lightly touch your right lower quad, you'd probably have a fever as well and you'd be in severe pain that wouldn't let up but only get worse to the point you'd probably be in the fetal position.