View Full Version : Instead of looking forward to new opportunities, I dread them. Why is this?

28-12-16, 10:52
I literally feel a constant sense of dread/doom over anything and everything.

For example I am photographing a small scale wedding on new years eve, and I don't feel any excitement whatsoever.
I used to be so passionate about photography, I would think about it all day, everyday, and it brought me so much joy. Now just looking at my camera fills me with dread.

This seems to be happening with everything in my life these days.
Instead of welcoming new opportunities, and looking towards them with a positive attitude, I worry so much to the point where there is no room for any positive feelings.
And no matter how many times i do something, the anxiety never lessens.

I don't know how to change. It's like anxiety has become my default emotion and my body doesn't know how to feel any other way?

I feel like i'm wasting my life away with this unnecessary worry.

Can anyone else relate?
I would really appreciate any advice.

I feel so alone...:weep:

28-12-16, 17:52
When anxiety hits it makes all the things u love and are passionate about seem like mountains too huge to climb. But the important thing to remember is that it is not the individual chore or place or event but your present state of mind that has u feeling dread.

As. Claire weekes said it is your sensitised state that's makes you either overwhelmed or afraid of all that u do.

Trust me I'm in the midst of a setback with anxiety and all I love doing seems too big to even consider. "Like an ant looking at a mountain"

The only cure is acceptance and time. I also add yoga to this as I'm a yoga teacher but. Even that takes time to calm my nervous system

Your not on your own of that I promise
