View Full Version : Swollen gland in neck for almost a year!

28-12-16, 13:20
In the right side of my neck i have a firm swollen gland in my neck which causes an ache and uncomfortable feeling. The doctor has referred me to the ear nose and throat specialists as he says it shouldnt be there and he mentioned cancer to me!!!

Ive had a full blood count done a few weeks back, nothing was said about it so im guessing it was fine.

However i get a weird feeling in the upper left side of my stomach amd back just under my ribs? Enlarged spleen maybe?? And some bowel issues with acid reflux. Im terrified it is cancer that has spread to my glands!! I also have another swollen gland in the back of my neck with is noticeable whej my head is down.

Could it be cancer??

28-12-16, 15:46
Sorry you're worrying. No one an answer your question except a medical professional. That being said and being a survivor...

"It's NOT cancer until they say it is"

Positive thoughts

Sam Winter
29-12-16, 00:12
I 100% agree with Fishman.
just because he mentioned the possibility it doesn't always mean it necessarily will be, that being said even if turned out to be they're equipped to help you, nobody can really tell except a medical professional so I try and stay calm and wait until you hear what they say x

05-01-17, 19:45
Does anyone know if a doctor would know if it was a salivary gland problem by looking in my mouth. This swollen gland is still making me think about all the possible scenarios:scared15:

05-01-17, 19:47
Have you seen the ENT yet?

Positive thoughts

05-01-17, 20:11
No i havent, im still waiting on a referral.

23-01-17, 00:19
No i havent, im still waiting on a referral.

I have the same thing, right side of neck. How did it go?

23-01-17, 20:45
I still hsvent had a referral. The doctors probably have t even sent one off

23-01-17, 21:35
It's not unreasonable to check in with your GP just to ensure it's been done.
But if they didn't call you asap for an appointment that is often a good sign that they don't perceive it as an urgent situation.
Hoping you get some answers soon. Let us know when you do.

Good vibes to you.


26-01-17, 17:20
Okay, so today i had an othodontist appointment as im paying privatley for braces, they did an xray on my mouth and my right wisdom tooth is impacted and slanted! I still have an ache on the right side and my gland is swollen..
could this be the cause? Still fretting about cancer

30-01-17, 21:21
I can't say for sure of course but I know before when I have had a toothache the pain can radiate into my neck or even my cheek bone. There are a lot of nerves in there, in a tight little space.
Did you ask your dentist if it was possible?
When will your wisdom teeth be addressed? (that way you can see if after the teeth are addressed the other thing subsides)

01-02-17, 11:48
I went to the dentist yesterday who said the position of my wisdom tooth looks nasty and might possibly have to come out.. however its so close to the face nerve that they might just leave it. After a further xray, of my wisdom tooth he found some shadowing on my molar next to the wisdom gum. So now im having a check next week ti make sure it isnt a cavity or anything🙄

01-02-17, 19:32
I have exactly the same thing as you and my doctor has also send a referral. Ugh, very stressful time.

01-02-17, 22:28
Its a nightmare, this swollen gland still hasnt gone down either so i cant even tell where the pain is coming from but whatever it is, its irritating!

01-02-17, 22:36
Does the gland feel tender at all, does it move around when you push it or does it feel like its glued to the muscle underneath?

Swollen glands are some of the largest causes of health anxiety, but despite where our fears lead us to, is actually one of the most common benign findings (in fact a normal part of immune system) and cancer tends to be the least likely cause.

It could very well be that your tooth is infected and your lymph node swelled up in response to the infection (that means your body is doing its job :yesyes:). You're doing the right thing in getting it checked out. Please trust your doctors in that they do know what they're doing, but you know your body better than anyone else so it's important to be your own advocate!

02-02-17, 11:23
It doesnt feel tender, but it does move abit and hasnt grown. Id say its about the size of a grape. I was supposed to be seeing an ent specialist but i doubt the doctor has even referred me!

02-02-17, 12:51

Have you still not had a referral? Did you have any other infection when the lump came up?

I am having a similar worry at the moment. I don't know whether to start a new thread or if someone here may be able to help. I had tonsillitis in December and noticed a few swollen glands in my neck on the day I started antibiotics. The infection went, but I have had a persistent sore throat ever since and the glands in my neck have never gone down. I still feel hoarse now and just generally anxious. I have had glands pop up and go back down under my chin too, and last week my tonsils were actually bleeding!

My GP was brilliant, I saw her two weeks ago and she referred me to an ENT specialist saying she was 'ruling out' cancer not 'ruling it in.' My blood tests were normal, but I believe blood tests don't always show up cancer any way.

I saw the ENT specialist on Friday (within a week) and he straight away said "you understand why you've been referred, your GP suspects cancer" so I was a shaking crying mess! He felt my throat, put a camera up my nose and said it is not cancer and just a nasty bug.

However, would the specialist be able to tell from just look and feel whether I have lymphoma? I am so worried about it. Are you going to push for a biopsy when you get referred? I am seeing my GP again tomorrow and just trying to think of an action plan.

I really hope you get some answers soon, I totally understand how much you must be torturing yourself right now, but just keep pushing for answers because until you have a diagnosis you can't start to get better. Even if it is the worst news, it is better to know sooner than later.

Stay strong and keep yourself busy xx

02-02-17, 13:48
Does the gland feel tender at all, does it move around when you push it or does it feel like its glued to the muscle underneath?

Swollen glands are some of the largest causes of health anxiety, but despite where our fears lead us to, is actually one of the most common benign findings (in fact a normal part of immune system) and cancer tends to be the least likely cause.

It could very well be that your tooth is infected and your lymph node swelled up in response to the infection (that means your body is doing its job :yesyes:). You're doing the right thing in getting it checked out. Please trust your doctors in that they do know what they're doing, but you know your body better than anyone else so it's important to be your own advocate!

Mine is about 1.5cm's ish and moves a lot, very rubbery and moveable. Non-tender and have been on my neck for over 6 weeks, it's causing a lot of stress, :weep::weep:

I'ts possible this is because of an ongoing scalp infection but I doubt it.

02-02-17, 14:32
Mine are the same, that rubbery moveable feel. It is so worrying isn't it, but I swear thinking about it makes you have more symptoms! If I think hard enough I start to itch everywhere! I've had mine for 7-8 weeks now. Don't you just want to wake up in the morning and they've miraculously gone?! :weep:

02-02-17, 15:44
Mine is about 1.5cm's ish and moves a lot, very rubbery and moveable. Non-tender and have been on my neck for over 6 weeks, it's causing a lot of stress, :weep::weep:

I'ts possible this is because of an ongoing scalp infection but I doubt it.

I apologize if you've said this before, but have you consulted a doctor about the node yet? An ongoing scalp infection could 100% be the cause - and sometimes nodes remain permanently enlarged after they're done doing their job. Characteristically what you're describing sounds like a "shotty lymph node" - it reacted to an infection and just never went down. I thought my biggest node was over 1cm, turned out to be 3mm.

I say this as the pot calling the kettle black (I have about 7 shotty lymph nodes throughout my body and continue to stress out about cancer) but I think that's who we are as anxious people.

call the office and double check the status of your referral. Like I said more likely than not it's the result of your tooth infection (especially if it's on the same side) and literally the LEAST common cause of a swollen node is lymphoma or cancer. A lot of people experience nodes that never go down - but the very very VERY rare alternative is scary so make sure to advocate for yourself!

02-02-17, 17:10
Excellent response, PA, it is important to be your own advocate, as when it boils down to it, your health matters to you more than it matters to your GP. Keep pushing, Emily, for that referral. X

02-02-17, 23:36
Where exaclty is your node situated upon your neck?
The node that is a grand classic with gastric cancer is the sign of Troisier, which consists in a very enlarged lymph node located in the supraclavicular cavity. Othe typical neck nodes drain the ENT region. If it's one of them, you could very well be plagued with a mere bug. Did your GP offered antibiotics to see if there's some result as to this node thing?

03-02-17, 17:43
My node is under my jaw like near my ear. Yes he gave me antibiotics aswell. Turns out ge hasnt even bothered to refer me! Basucally lied to me. So if it is cancer hes basically just left it and not evej bothered about referring me

03-02-17, 18:30
The thing that stands out to me is "almost a year". In that amount of time, if it were sinister, you'd be pretty ill or not even with us.

Positive thoughts

03-02-17, 21:24
My node is under my jaw like near my ear. Yes he gave me antibiotics aswell. Turns out ge hasnt even bothered to refer me! Basucally lied to me. So if it is cancer hes basically just left it and not evej bothered about referring me

Okay but I wouldn't be too worried because this clearly means he wasn't too concerned which means that you shouldn't be either.

Honestly, having a node in your neck for a year without any major symptoms of an illness really does suggest that you aren't ill.

Brains can create monsters that aren't even there, please try and relax.

My node is under my ear too, it's pretty large imo but just be calm. No point stressing yourself out over it! It won't grow out of your neck and bite you in your sleep, I promise. :winks:

---------- Post added at 21:24 ---------- Previous post was at 21:18 ----------

I apologize if you've said this before, but have you consulted a doctor about the node yet? An ongoing scalp infection could 100% be the cause - and sometimes nodes remain permanently enlarged after they're done doing their job. Characteristically what you're describing sounds like a "shotty lymph node" - it reacted to an infection and just never went down. I thought my biggest node was over 1cm, turned out to be 3mm.

I say this as the pot calling the kettle black (I have about 7 shotty lymph nodes throughout my body and continue to stress out about cancer) but I think that's who we are as anxious people.

call the office and double check the status of your referral. Like I said more likely than not it's the result of your tooth infection (especially if it's on the same side) and literally the LEAST common cause of a swollen node is lymphoma or cancer. A lot of people experience nodes that never go down - but the very very VERY rare alternative is scary so make sure to advocate for yourself!

I'm guilty of pot calling kettle black XD However sometimes reassuring others can bring yourself some reassurance.

I do hope it's the scalp thing, my node is the prosterior cervical node. It's pretty large that even when I twist my head I can see a tiny bludge (:weep: not fun). But I've calmed down a little because I really do believe that lymphoma is rarer than my brain believes it is.

I have seen a doc, she wasn't concerned, did blood tests and Chest- X ray and got the all clear how ever the fact that it hasn't gone down made her refer me to a specalist. I haven't seen the specalist yet but hopefully he says it's fine. If he doesn't...then we will build a bridge when we come too it. But honestly there is only so much worryng you can do, and I have so many other stresses at the moment that I can't be bothered anymore to stess over a stupid node :blush:

I probably wouldn't even have felt it if I hadn't gone prodding the area, however I went looking and found it and have now poked it to death so even if it was planning on going down it probably wont now :whistles:

04-02-17, 04:13
My son's is about an inch under his jaw, half way between his chin and ear...it's visible and it's been there 1 year 8 months. Ugh :-(

10-02-17, 13:47
Finally got a referall for the ent for 15th march even though im not particularly worried about my gland since the debrist said it could be my wisdom tooth causing it.

10-02-17, 13:52
Finally got a referall for the ent for 15th march even though im not particularly worried about my gland since the debrist said it could be my wisdom tooth causing it.

I still haven't got my referral letter, how long did it take for yours to arrive? The wait is making me upset and anxious. I'm getting more and more depressed because the anxiety spouts are tiring me out. :weep:

I think my node is cancerous because I don't see ANY other reason for it to be enlarged. Like none at all. I'm so upset.

10-02-17, 17:31
I still haven't got my referral letter, how long did it take for yours to arrive? The wait is making me upset and anxious. I'm getting more and more depressed because the anxiety spouts are tiring me out. :weep:

I think my node is cancerous because I don't see ANY other reason for it to be enlarged. Like none at all. I'm so upset.

Have you contacted your doctors? I waited for ages to then find out that they havent even referred me. Hed completely forgot. I suppose its a good thing its taking so long because if the doctor thought it was serious they would send an urgent referral