View Full Version : Scared To Go out Most days

11-04-07, 10:43
Hi all this is Ashley i am new to this just from yesterday.
i am a sufferer of panic attacks which cause ibs when i go out most days i get severe pains in my stomach i have now had them for five years.
i have a fear that there isnt going to be a toilet near bye and that i may have to relieve my bowels very instantly.
i make up as many excuses i can just to stay in the house, but today i have got to go out as its my partners birthday soon and i need to order him a cake, after i do that i need to go over to my mums which is twelve miles away and i dont drive so i have to take a bus. i am very scared of public transport to make it easier on myself when im on the bus i spot out the nearest toilets and tell myself i can get off this bus at any time so dont panic. i also take my ipod with me and listen to some nice music and sometimes take a puzzle book and do some puzzles as a sort of distraction technique which sometimes works for me depending on how bad i am feeling.

anyway im off out today must go and get ready soon, wish me luck folks and say a prayer for me.

ashley xxxxxxx:)

11-04-07, 10:47
Good luck Ashley. Let us know how you get on.


11-04-07, 10:55
:bighug1: Thanks joe means alot to me.

i have come along way since five years ago when i couldnt even travel a mile without getting off the bus i now travel to my mums a day nearly every week is still a struggle sometimes but i am trying, i dont work because of the panic attack which cause my tummy to go but i am getting sick of staying in the house i want more out of life.

i had a job and now and then i would get a panic attack and need to sit on the toilet for five minutes and empty my bowels but i had 3 people waiting for me outside my cubical banging on the door telling me to hurry up which put me off the job. i quit because i couldnt explain to them what was happening with me. for this reason i am scare to get a new job as i dont want it to happen again.

11-04-07, 11:39
Hi Ash

Hope your day goes well today, lovely to read how you are facing your fears by travelling on the bus, sounds like the distraction techniques are working for you also.:)

Be proud of what you are achieving hun !:yesyes: :yesyes: because i know it can be hard at times.

Good Luck today !:yesyes:



11-04-07, 11:52
:) Thank you Andrea i am trying to stay positive now and look to the future, a future with out panic attacks and ibs.
i am about to set off now and can feel my tummy aching away but i am trying to pretend its not there and its easing slightly.
i am off now i will let you know how i get on it will be a challenge for me because this is a bad day and i usually give bad days a miss when i need to go out.

thanks all bye ash xxxxxxxxxxxxx

11-04-07, 11:57
Hi and welcome Ash :)

First of all you will find this site very helpful and great for meeting new people with similar problems :)
I find it a great help just to know their are other people out there that suffer the same as me :)
Good luck for today!! Just remember YOU CAN DO IT!!
Positive thinking is the way forward but trust me I know it's not that easy sometimes.
Take care hun
All the best
And remember to come online and let us know how you get on :)
Love Laura xxx

12-04-07, 09:57
hi laura and all i actaully done excellent witht he going out thing, couldnt have asked for it to go any smother really, well it wasn't that perfect but defo better.
i got out and got my man his bday cake from gregs and i picked up my lunch to and get this.............ATE it on the bus!!!! no way! i havent eaten on the bus for five years for the fear of my bowels giving way and not having a toilet handy, but it was like i didnt even think about it and me eating on the bus was normal, this may sound totally stupid to some people but its a huge achievement for me.
i am the sort of person who goes out for a meal and has to sit on the toilet for 15 minutes afterwards, which is really frustrating. so woooooo hooooo.

i think this site must be doing me wonders mentally so i thank you people xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

12-04-07, 10:03
Hi Ash

Lovely to hear your day went well yesterday !


i:yesyes: :yesyes: IM PROUD OF YOU HUN !:yesyes:


12-04-07, 12:04
:hugs: FANTASTIC well done!
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

12-04-07, 16:39
Hello Ashley !
Well done you - this is a big step forward for you which will boost your confodence enormously. Remember how good this feels - for sure you will have many more good days to come. Congratulations !

13-04-07, 13:05
Well done Ashley!!

That is a great achievement!! you shoudl feel very proud!!
I am the same with the eating thing, I can't eat in restaurants cos I feel like everyone is watching me (even though they probably aren't)
But CONGRATS on eating on the bus!!
It goes to show that we can forget at times and do things we would normally fear doing!! :)

Well done hun!!
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Laura xxxxx :flowers: