View Full Version : Mottled skin

28-12-16, 14:23
Hi everyone,

I have had a decentish week with my anxiety, think because I have been off work and kids been keeping me busy. They have just gone to there dads and bam panic hit me tight chest, sweaty palms feeling like I was going to faint. I was just sat looking at my phone. Calmed down a bit now.

I appear to have a strange symptom with my anxiety. Mottled skin. Whenever I am anxious I get purple mottled skin on my arms and legs and gets worse when I am really anxious. Can't find anything on this! Does anyone else get this. I do also get it when I'm cold but definitely worse when I'm anxious! It's very unsightly, but it freaks me out too.

28-12-16, 14:34
I dont know if I have this or not, I will have to check at my net flip out. but if its only happening when your having panic attacks I would have to assume it is.

Kind of like when you get startled you sometimes go pale or red faced. but thats just a guess...

28-12-16, 14:58
Erm it's more like a lace effect in purple all over my arms and legs it's not very attractive. I also get it when I'm cold... I can only think it's a combo of rubbish circulation and anxiety.

28-12-16, 17:01
Yea my hands look kinda scary when they're cold but whenever I see mottled skin, true mottled skin, it's on people who have either died or have incredibly terrible circulation and it doesn't go away at all it just stays that way.

28-12-16, 17:33
Mine does go away but I am super aware of it, the doc wasn't at all concerned about it though, so I know really I shouldn't be but I still do! X