View Full Version : Severe anxiety, panic attacks and sleep problems

28-12-16, 19:01
Hi all, I haven't been on here for a while due to being very busy and actually feeling good in my life for once. Would like to give a thanks for all those that helped in the past.

So things have been great, anxiety low and coping ok. Obviously get the bad days. I have now gone away to the states for 2 weeks and my anxiety and cold flush panics have hit big time. I can't sleep and feel terrible all day. I think it may have something to do with the jet lag but if I put my head down the anxiety gets even worse.

Current medication I am on is pregabalin 300mg twice a day. I do have 46 2mg diazapam tablets which my GP said I can take 4mg three times a day of the anxiety is severe. Which it is now. I am sort of scared to take them but wandered if I took them while here just to get through could I have withdrawals when I get home.

Just after some advise, also on sleep aids maybe like camomile tea if anyone has any luck with it. Many thanks in advance, I hope you are all doing ok.


Sam Winter
28-12-16, 23:53
Ahoy there Kobey,
I don't know too much about medication but I do know about sleep aids, chamomile or nighttime tea is a nice little lifersaver(or even horlicks if you have more of a sweet tooth x) ASMR videos or background noises are good(like the ocean, trees, or birds) Meditating or yoga is great too as I find it empties my mind and leaves me in one of those calm carefree "ahh" moods, I have five different favorite types of meditating that depends on how I'm feeling, for sleep I'd recommend the one I do for five minutes every day which is where I put calming music on (Spotifys a lifesaver too I use the forest or indie playlist a lot) and I just imagine myself wherever I want to be, this ones handy because no matter what your panicking about or struggling with you adjust it. so for instance if I have trouble sleeping I imagine myself on a beach, in the dark with the waves crashing against the shore, and the seagulls cawing, ect. just close your eyes and start off simple while adding the details in little by little, and do that for about 5 minutes or even longer if you'd like to x

29-12-16, 06:47
Thanks for the reply. I do actually have spotify so I will look that up and as week Spk I am sipping on a chamomile tea. It's 10:00pm here in the states and I'm almost ready for trying this sleep thing. Fingers crossed, will keep you posted.

Thanks again

Sam Winter
29-12-16, 17:27
No problem Kobey, let me know how it goes x

30-12-16, 00:09
I put my head down and dropped off pretty quick. Woke up at 3:30am again though, obviously the jet lag. Had a few palpatations and felt uneasy and anxious but dosed till 6:15.
I have felt ok today anxious but not unbearable. The only thing that is worrying me is I have had dull chest and back pains all day, slight tightness in chest while breathing. I hope it's just anxiety as being away for another two weeks I can't do much about it. I know your not a doc but does it sound like anxiety ? Not sure if others get this.