View Full Version : Kitten bit me! :(

29-12-16, 07:43
My 2 month old kitten was playing with my arm and bit me. I'm wearing a long sleeve soft fleece shirt but it still really hurt. I pulled my sleeve up and there were little puncture marks.. no blood though. Of course I hurried to the bathroom and put peroxide on it and then washed it with soap and water and then more peroxide and then apple cider vinegar (good for cuts) and then again more peroxide..I even rubbed some hand sanitizer on it since I didn't have rubbing alcohol. After all that I put some manuka honey ointment for infections on it and then slapped a bandaid on it.
My kitten has had all shots except rabies since she's only near 3 monthes old and has only been inside. Only thing is that she might have had a cold and I've been giving her medicine for the past week but she's been acting perfectly fine and like a normal healthy kitten. I'm scared I'm going to get some horrible infection that's gonna kill me or make me sick or just something just awful.
My anxiety is doing a number on me and I'm so scared. I have refused to Google anything but I know I've heard of cat bites causing infections before. So again I'm totally freaking out. I keep wondering if I cleaned it good enough or if I should do it more. The bite is on my upper arm and again no blood was drawn just little puncture marks .. and I am wearing a long sleeve extra soft fleece shirt.
I just need some opinions on this! I'm bugging out ;(

Sam Winter
29-12-16, 07:55
Hi there x.
a few weeks ago I was walking home from work when one of the neighbours kittens bit me, she's the type to wonder around a heck of a lot so I had no idea where she'd been, I cleaned it once with Peroxide, used a BandAid,and I've lived to tell the tale. I have no doubt in my mind that by the sounds of it you definitely cleaned it enough, not googling is a great idea so I'm proud you've managed not to, I'd say from the best of my knowledge you'll be okay x

29-12-16, 08:08
It's reassuring that nothing came of your bite! Especially since it was an outdoor kitten at that. Did you bleed from it? When I looked at my bite it looks like a snake bit me, 2 little puncture marks. I didn't bleed or at the least see any red before I started my intense cleaning. I just worry because I didn't soak it in hot water for 5 minutes or anything but I definitely gave it a wash and risned with hot water but mainly was going crazy with the peroxide and apple cider. I just put more of that manuka honey on it just now to just to be extra careful.
I don't think I've ever been bitten by a cat before maybe little nibbles but not enough to have the little snake looking punctures. /:
I really appreciate your reply!

29-12-16, 09:51
Don't worry about it, specially if it didn't draw blood is very very unlikely to give you anything, let alone something that could kill you. I've been bitten by my cats, stray cats, snakes, rats, lizards, prairie dogs.. you name it an animal, and I've probably been scratched or bitten by it lol. And never got anything :) so I'm pretty sure you'll be fine, just don't Google it. I googled when I was bitten by a rat and Freaked out, but one year later I'm still here ��

29-12-16, 10:02
Thanks Alpha! After hearing everything you've been scratched or bitten by I feel pretty lame by how much I'm worrying about my lil kitten biting me.
Eww especially the rat! I would have been been a mess thinking about that one.
I also have a little puncture on the palm of my hand from her littl claw that I wasn't worried about in thher slightest yesterday and just rubbed some hand sanitizer in my hands but now that my anxiety is bad over This bite it has me revisiting some of these scratches like the palm of my hand and I also hope I won't get any weird bacterial thing from that either :scared15:
The problem is iv Googled in the past on cat scratches and read some horror stories that haunt me To this day :( ugh.
But here's my bite, I suspect it's white from the extra strength peroxide I put on it because that's when it turned white.. so it definitely punctured skin but like I said I didn't bleed from it.. also a little red from either the bandaid I kept pulling off to check on it or the peroxide again. :unsure:

29-12-16, 10:22
If I recall correctly, you would only be at risk of getting sick by a cat bite if it comes in contact with your blood stream or other fluids, I'm not 100% sure of that but it's like that with many other animals so it's probably the same with cats (and it makes sense) that's why I said that if it didn't bleed the chance is even more little. BUT even if it bled i wouldn't worry, because the chance is really really small if you take care of the wound and your cat is vaccinated. However it is true that it can become infected but any wound can, not only one made by a cat, and cleaning the wound regularly like you did reduces the change greatly. (And you would notice the infection, it would probably swell a lot and hurt - it happened to me before with a iguana bite and I just took care of it at home and it disappeared after some weeks). Keep in mind that there are a lot of exagerated articles on the internet about the danger of cats, when you probably never heard about anyone dying or getting hospitalized by a cat... I don't know why but people like to spread hate or fear over cats lol. Same with reptiles, I have 5 and people always warn me about salmonella, but the truth is my iguana has even slept in my bed and I never got it :D

I wouldn't worry about the scratches either, just keep them clean. If you saw my arms anyone would think I cut myself, when in reality they're all iguana and cat scratches. :p

29-12-16, 10:37
My cat had all her other shots except rabies since she's too young yet to get that. I'm fairly sure she doesn't have rabies either because I think I'd notice and I don't think the shelter I got her from would have her up for adoption if she had rabies either.. not sure if her not having that shot makes me susceptible to anything else? Other than the rabies of course.
But yeah I feel liklike if she did it hard enough to make it bleed it would have been clearly bleeding.. I keep wondering if it was or not and it was I didn't notice or it wasn't a lot.. but I guess I'm gonna keep cleaning it like crazy if nothing else but to make me feel better.
I've been bitten by my dog when I was younger and bled a little and I do t remember going to the hospital but for some reason they really hype the cats giving you a bad infection.. i don't know why. I've also was bitten by a horse on my back and I remember I freaked out and thought I was gonna get mad horse diesease but yet here I am not worrying about a kitten bite.
I really really appreciate your replies Alpha! You've helped me calm down at least a little! :)