View Full Version : Twitching muscles, worrying now

29-12-16, 10:31
I first noticed this on Xmas eve but it seemed to disappear. Yesterday it's come back on and it's the same today. Both of my legs, mainly my calves, are twitching like mad. It's also happening in my arms a little. I can see the muscles move! And my left finger is twitching as well. I was staying rational about it yesterday, I've been tired and very anxious lately and I've had a fair amount of wine over the festivities. But I've woken up with it again today, I thought it would be gone after a decent sleep.
It's really scaring me now. I've never worried about nerve diseases before but I'm slipping into it. Can anyone offer some reassurance? How do I get it to stop?
Thank you

29-12-16, 10:54
It's a side effect of prolonged anxiety and stress. Get that in check and your twitching will stop

29-12-16, 11:45
Muscles are designed to twitch. They are actually made up of fibers that twitch at different rates.

That is actually what they do when under strain.

Your muscles are tense because you are anxious. Therefore, they twitch...

29-12-16, 11:47
I had twitching muscles earlier this year and never thought they would go away but like Colicab85 says once you sort out your anxiety the twitching will become less and eventually it wont be a problem for you. happened to me and trust me I never thought it would go away, the mind is a funny old thing and it is hard to believe that anxiety can cause these types of symptoms. Try relaxation CDs they do help.


29-12-16, 11:54
Thanks guys. So it should fade off when my anxiety reduces? It's actually really irritating, can't get comfy cos it feels like my legs are jiggling around!

29-12-16, 12:00

Caffeine does it too. It raises heart-rate, and can make muscles twitch.

29-12-16, 14:37
I keep accepting that it's anxiety then the 'but...' thoughts creep in. They're quite intense in my leg, like you can see it moving. It's stressing me out :(
Infact I've had an entire Christmas dedicated to health anxiety. It's really getting on top of me now.

29-12-16, 15:06
Sucks. Get your worries in check and it will stop.

29-12-16, 15:16
I am going to try. It's not possible that I have given myself an irregular heartbeat and therefore caused the twitching? I posted the other day about this weird sensation I have, like a surge of adrenaline that I can seemingly summon. My heart rate goes up slightly and my pupils dilate a bit. I went to the doctors years about it but she said it was harmless, just something I'd kind of taught myself due to always having anxiety feelings.
I know that sounds pretty out there but I'm quite scared the twitching and the 'surge' feeling is related and I'm causing my body harm

29-12-16, 16:27
Sounds like you have bfs. My calves constantly twitch and every other day some random spot on my body will twitch. Sometimes it lasts minutes sometimes days. I did this to myself I stayed in a constant panic for a year and a half and this is the result. My nervous system is shot.its benign fasciculation syndrome. Harmless but scary as hell and the more you stress and panic the worse it gets. No the irregular heartbeat theory is not possible.

30-12-16, 20:30
Yeah it seems to have happened after a long period of major anxiety and alcohol probably hasn't helped matters.
It might sound crazy again, but do you think the adrenaline surgey feeling I get could cause the twitching? Also, could it maybe cause those cherry agimoa things? I don't even know how to pronounce that just don't wanna Google it too much.
I'm so scared my 'surging' has caused all of these symptoms. Could I burst my own blood vessels?

31-12-16, 07:27

I've twitched hundreds to thousands of times PER DAY, every day, for 10.5 months, in every muscle in my body. I mean literally everywhere. I'm still alive.

31-12-16, 07:35
Me too going on 11 months. My calves twitch all the time. So are as hell. I got an EMG and several neuro exams and I've been told it was bfs. I've let this twitching ruin the whole year for me and I'm done worrying about it. I have e them in my calves always but some other muscle will randomly twitch for minute hours or days . I e twitched everywhere have big thumper and little zaps. Best thing to do is ignore them. I know it's hard but you'll see the more u ignore them. The less u twitch

31-12-16, 08:55
Agreed 100%. I'm 6 months twitching everywhere now. 2 neuro exams and they say I'm fine.