View Full Version : no hope

29-12-16, 10:59
im at suicidal point now feel that the pain is too much -theirs no hope and no future for me anymore

29-12-16, 11:39
Wayne I promise u there is no one with Anxiety who hasn't felt one more moment is too much to bear. But I also promise u that it's always worth it no matter how unbearable.

I am in the midst of a rough setback but I will never give up on life and I want u to promise me the same

We are survivors xx


29-12-16, 12:37
Hi there , I've felt like this so many times and things have got better and it's hard to rember how bad you felt , things will improve you just have to ride out this rough patch , take care .

29-12-16, 14:19
This sounds like a cliche Wayne but there's so much good stuff in front of you that you can't see right now because of the anxiety. Like Jackie says, lots of us have felt like you do now so we understand how awful the relentless anxiety and panic can be.

Hold on in there, there is a way through xxx

29-12-16, 14:19
this patch has gone on for years-got no sex life , no future, no friends , no skills , no money, cripped by anxiety and depression -suicide cant be wrong

29-12-16, 14:43
It's torture I know Wayne. But the alternative is to not be here and for those lying in hospital with no hope or future would swap places with us in a heartbeat.

I promise I know this seems never ending with no light as does mine ATM but the idea of giving up is something we survivors won't do

Come on look at us we are all going through this hell but battling on


29-12-16, 15:01
Wayne just to let you know that are most definitely not alone.

Sadly I don't have any answers for you and wont trot out the usual well meaning phrases, but I do hope that things do get better for you.

29-12-16, 16:45
It took my boyfriend 15 years to get on top of his bipolar disorder. He has a healthy, happy, fulfilling life now. Never give up, you don't know what's around the corner x

30-12-16, 11:40
How old is your boyfriend now ? I can't believe they don't offer assisted suicide for depression and anxiety

30-12-16, 11:43
I have to say Wayne I couldn't agree more. Guess we have to bear in mind that it is illegal here even for the terminally ill.

I am not sure if people realise what a life sentence severe clinical depression can be.

For some it is not a passing thing it is a life long battle.

30-12-16, 12:09
this patch has gone on for years-got no sex life , no future, no friends , no skills , no money, cripped by anxiety and depression -suicide cant be wrong I think some of it is your own destiny I am in the same boat and tried to make friends with you as you know. and I am still alone so it's not for the want of trying I did offer you a life line but you refused to take it :)

30-12-16, 12:38
Start saying yes more.

Also, in every post, you give sex and relationships a huge importance.

If that is the sole focus, you will feel shit about life. It's a carrot on the end of the stick. You never really get to eat it.

If you had amazing sex with someone today, and never saw them again, tomorrow you'd still feel shit, and maybe feel even worse.

You are looking externally for things to solve your internal problems. This will be the last time I say it. You are on the wrong path.

And I think the idea of assisted suicide for people with depression is absurd beyond belief.

30-12-16, 12:46
Start saying yes more.

Also, in every post, you give sex and relationships a huge importance.

If that is the sole focus, you will feel shit about life. It's a carrot on the end of the stick. You never really get to eat it.

If you had amazing sex with someone today, and never saw them again, tomorrow you'd still feel shit, and maybe feel even worse.

You are looking externally for things to solve your internal problems. This will be the last time I say it. You are on the wrong path.

And I think the idea of assisted suicide for people with depression is absurd beyond belief.SLA I think you have hit the nail on the head Iam not even sure they want help I know as I have tried to help them on quite few occasions with the offer of genuine friendship so the carrot was there but they didn't take it do you follow what I am saying?? Cheers

30-12-16, 15:36
And I think the idea of assisted suicide for people with depression is absurd beyond belief.


30-12-16, 16:15
Hi Lisa, didn't understand your last post

30-12-16, 16:39
Think Lisa is agreeing with SLA I may be wrong, I too think it's absurd I mean what are you doing to improve your self?

Catherine S
30-12-16, 17:11
Never feel guilty if somebody posts constantly about suicide and you can't help them. It's nobody's responsiblity. It's not our job to talk anybody who threatens suicide, out of it. Wayne has been posting about this for months now and knows exactly the reaction he will get here and he gets it too. People trying desperately to get through to him, and him just ignoring everything anyone suggests to make him feel better.

Wayne, nobody here is responsibe for your life, and whether you choose to carry out your constant threats of taking it or not is your choice. But please stop putting anxious people in that awful position of worrying about you in this way. You've been told so many times now that we are not mental health professionals and that the best person to talk to is a psychiatrist...or a priest about your desire to die. If you are genuine, please get professional help.


30-12-16, 17:15
Yep, I was just agreeing with SLA. I would never blame anyone for taking their own life but mental health problems are very treatable in most cases and life does get better.

You need to make the effort, there's support if you choose to use it but no-one can do it for you.

30-12-16, 17:30
Yep, I was just agreeing with SLA. I would never blame anyone for taking their own life but mental health problems are very treatable in most cases and life does get better.

You need to make the effort, there's support if you choose to use it but no-one can do it for you. Thought I was right but just wanted to know :) Never seen it written like you wrote it though with those inverted arrows. Wayne has had a lot of advice on various threads he has started so not sure what is going through his head?? but we have tried to help him Cheers

30-12-16, 23:26
Mental illness should be treated the same a physical illness it's no different to say getting cancer sometimes you survive it sometimes you don't depending on how severe it is depression/anxiety should be treated the same way sometimes it can be cured sometimes it can't and if not people should be able to make a choice how they decide to deal with that in Belgium and Switzerland I think you have that right I believe

30-12-16, 23:36
Mental illness should be treated the same a physical illness it's no different to say getting cancer sometimes you survive it sometimes you don't depending on how severe it is depression/anxiety should be treated the same way sometimes it can be cured sometimes it can't and if not people should be able to make a choice how they decide to deal with that in Belgium and Switzerland I think you have that right I believe
Ok have you tried to seek help (medicaly) either with a shrink or your Dr(sorry cant spell the correct term for it) what therapy have you had if any have you explored all avenues regarding your condition?? I think most of us are now exhausted with trying to help Cheers

30-12-16, 23:55
I'm on venflaxine and having counselling and neither has made a difference

31-12-16, 00:00
Mental illness should be treated the same a physical illness it's no different to say getting cancer sometimes you survive it sometimes you don't depending on how severe it is depression/anxiety should be treated the same way sometimes it can be cured sometimes it can't and if not people should be able to make a choice how they decide to deal with that in Belgium and Switzerland I think you have that right I believe

It's completely different. With a physical illness you can usually tell whether it will be terminal, will leave you with a disability of some sort of whether it will go away (although I realise there are exceptions). With mental health issues like anxiety or depression no-one can predict the outcome. In most cases people either recover or improve to the extent that they can lead happy lives, although recovery time varies from months to years. Furthermore, anxiety and depression hugely impair your outlook and decision making and I don't think people are often in 'sound mind' to make life or death decisions when they are suffering mental distress as their outlook of the future will be hugely negatively biased.

I'm not trying to be mean but I don't want anyone who happens to be feeling vulnerable right now to be influenced by your post

31-12-16, 00:26
I apologise I didn't think of others

31-12-16, 01:03
I'm on venflaxine and having counselling and neither has made a difference One last thing that's 2 avenues you have explored time to see a pyscharist /pyscholigist etc I also think there are other medical avenues you should explore its the only way you cant surely judge by 2 methods that clearly haven't worked for you that nothing else medicaly wont work! So try something else ok

31-12-16, 08:56
I apologise I didn't think of others

I think that thinking of others is really important when you are suffering from anxiety and depression. It's not impossible and can help you focus less on yourself and more on others' needs.