View Full Version : Feeding the fear!

29-12-16, 11:20
I am currently getting a lot of full blown panic attacks.
I know I am making this worse but cannot stop it.
As soon as I start getting anxious or feel a symptom such as tingling or lightheaded I start feeding it by convincing myself something bad is going to happen. Then all the other symptoms start such as racing heart/ palpitations sweating shivering etc etc.
This morning when I got up I felt I bit off so started thinking something was wrong with me, this made me lightheaded then I started panicking because I was lightheaded.
I tried talking myself down but by this time I felt so dizzy.
I am feeling calmer now and the symptoms are starting to subside.
I just wish I knew how to stop it from getting so bad in the first place.:shrug:

29-12-16, 13:51
Well the good news is you already know your cycle/warning signs. The key is intervening earlier in the process before it escalates to the point of panic. So when you start to feel a symptom, it's about actively changing the thought you have - i.e. instead of convincing yourself something bad is happening, maybe just practice mindfulness. Notice the symptom/feeling/anxiety/whatever and see if you can let it pass. If not, then challenge it with more balanced and rational thoughts.

It takes a LOT of practice, like anything else. When we do this, we are going against years and years of training in thinking negatively. But it is definitely possible with work.

02-01-17, 00:11
Isn't that the million dollar question... How do we stop the spiral once it's begun? Even if we recognize it, it's hard. But I really agree with swgrl09 when she says that identifying your pattern is important.

What helps me sometimes (though not always) is writing on my hand. I have phrases, like mantras almost, that I write down and sometimes it helps to ground me back in reality.
Things like, "This is temporary. Your body, though misguided, is trying to protect you. Thank it, but let it know you are safe."
Or "This moment will pass. It cannot break you. It cannot define you."

I take a picture of my hand every time.
Maybe one day I will make a book for myself to remind myself how much I can endure/how far I have come.

Maybe if you find a similar ritual, it will help a bit.

I have been having a very difficult week myself over here. I'm not exactly sure why, but it's been challenging to keep the anxiety at bay (or to identify why it's appearing)

I wish us both (and everyone here) a year of kindness and stability.
