View Full Version : Swollen Gland? Panic worry, obsession. Cancer?

29-12-16, 13:41
For the past 2 months I have been obsessed with what I fear is a cancerous swollen gland on my upper neck. A bit behind my right ear. I first saw a dermatologist in November who told me he didn't think it was much and that if it were still there in a month or so we can biopsy it. I even saw my general internist on 2 occasions who said he felt nothing of significance to worry about it. Not sure he even felt what I was talking about. A few weeks ago I saw my dermatologist again. About a month after original appt. He said it has gotten smaller and practically guaranteed me it was not cancer. He said he was 99% sure. He said a biopsy or any other tests would just be over kill and not necessary at all. It now seems to get a bit bigger and smaller for n apparent reason. When I feel under the skin it is definitely there. Not sure why it changes in size or what it is. I wish it would just disappear. I am trying to stop thinking about it and touching it. But I just cant. Suggestions and replies may hopefully help.

29-12-16, 13:47
I've had the same node go up and down over the years. In front and behind ears. Nothing to worry about.


29-12-16, 14:10
If it is getting bigger and smaller and two doctors aren't worried, I wouldn't be either. Touching it makes it worse! I have been there with nodes behind my ears. Once I stopped touching them all the time, they didn't get bigger as often and I stopped worrying so much.

29-12-16, 14:12
It now seems to get a bit bigger and smaller for n apparent reason.

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Positive thoughts

29-12-16, 14:25
Thanks for the replies! Making me feel better already but don't know why I am still worried. This is my first time on a site like this. I have had several bouts with health anxiety. Been good the last few years until this popped up several weeks ago. Not sure if its been there a while and I just first noticed it or if its a new thing. That is what worries me. That it is a new cancerous lump. It is bigger and harder this morning than it was yesterday. I hate that. It is small but it is hard and does not move. If it was cancer would it be much bigger by now. Would it only get bigger?
I have a annual check up on January 10 when my family doctor who I trust very much. He will look at it and do compete blood work. But I just want to stop worrying about it now and enjoy the holiday week.

29-12-16, 14:49
I have noticed that the ones behind my ear don't really move that much. I think it's just the nature of that area of the body (not as much flesh there). A doctor would know right away if it was worrisome, and it would only get bigger.

I found this site many years ago and it was such a relief to see that there were other people like me out there! I spent so much time reading other peoples threads just to have validation that I am not the only one who gets petrified by silly little symptoms others would just brush off. I still struggle with HA but I do think I am handling it better than I was when I first found NMP. Hope you find it helpful too :)

29-12-16, 15:18
I have a similar worry right now, I really wish I didn't worry like this.

29-12-16, 19:16
I go through this with my right neck lymph node. It's always the one that puffs up when I get sick. I don't know why, but doctors never seem to be worried about it. Right now I'm fighting off a cold and I'm panicked about it. Frustrating,

30-12-16, 01:34
Seems like many of us have this problem with possible swollen glands. I Just hope I can stop poking at it and I stop worrying about it. Thanks for the positive posts! they r helping a lot. Any more would be appreciated!

30-12-16, 02:05
I have my appt to get mine checked out swell, next week. I also wish it didn't happen now during the holiday break. Just want to enjoy myself.

30-12-16, 12:55
I have already had mine checked by 2 docs. My internist couldn't even really feel it. I think if he had and said it was just a normal gland then I would feel better. I have heard it is common to be able to feel your own glands and that it doesn't even mean they are swollen. Lam123 hopefully we can have a laugh over this a few weeks from now and realize how crazy we were being. Hopefully. My dermatologist told me he really thought it was nothing and told me that he could 99% guarantee it. I don't like hearing 99%. I guess my health anxiety wants to hear 100% but I suppose a Dr cant tell you anything is 100%.
I am feeling better now hearing many of these threads. But still obsessing about it. Going to try to not really touch it today. I find it is biggest and hardest in the morning. So I woke up an hour ago and haven't touched it yet. Which believe it or not is really good for me. Going to try to keep it going.

---------- Post added at 07:53 ---------- Previous post was at 07:37 ----------

I have already had mine checked by 2 docs. My internist couldn't even really feel it. I think if he had and said it was just a normal gland then I would feel better. I have heard it is common to be able to feel your own glands and that it doesn't even mean they are swollen. Lam123 hopefully we can have a laugh over this a few weeks from now and realize how crazy we were being. Hopefully. My dermatologist told me he really thought it was nothing and told me that he could 99% guarantee it. I don't like hearing 99%. I guess my health anxiety wants to hear 100% but I suppose a Dr cant tell you anything is 100%.
I am feeling better now hearing many of these threads. But still obsessing about it. Going to try to not really touch it today. I find it is biggest and hardest in the morning. So I woke up an hour ago and haven't touched it yet. Which believe it or not is really good for me. Going to try to keep it going.

---------- Post added at 07:53 ---------- Previous post was at 07:53 ----------

I have already had mine checked by 2 docs. My internist couldn't even really feel it. I think if he had and said it was just a normal gland then I would feel better. I have heard it is common to be able to feel your own glands and that it doesn't even mean they are swollen. Lam123 hopefully we can have a laugh over this a few weeks from now and realize how crazy we were being. Hopefully. My dermatologist told me he really thought it was nothing and told me that he could 99% guarantee it. I don't like hearing 99%. I guess my health anxiety wants to hear 100% but I suppose a Dr cant tell you anything is 100%.
I am feeling better now hearing many of these threads. But still obsessing about it. Going to try to not really touch it today. I find it is biggest and hardest in the morning. So I woke up an hour ago and haven't touched it yet. Which believe it or not is really good for me. Going to try to keep it going.

---------- Post added at 07:55 ---------- Previous post was at 07:53 ----------

I have already had mine checked by 2 docs. My internist couldn't even really feel it. I think if he had and said it was just a normal gland then I would feel better. I have heard it is common to be able to feel your own glands and that it doesn't even mean they are swollen. Lam123 hopefully we can have a laugh over this a few weeks from now and realize how crazy we were being. Hopefully. My dermatologist told me he really thought it was nothing and told me that he could 99% guarantee it. I don't like hearing 99%. I guess my health anxiety wants to hear 100% but I suppose a Dr cant tell you anything is 100%.
I am feeling better now hearing many of these threads. But still obsessing about it. Going to try to not really touch it today. I find it is biggest and hardest in the morning. So I woke up an hour ago and haven't touched it yet. Which believe it or not is really good for me. Going to try to keep it going.

30-12-16, 13:03
I have heard it is common to be able to feel your own glands and that it doesn't even mean they are swollen.

^^This^^ 1000X this! One thing I've seen over and over on the boards are members saying their glands are "swollen" when in fact they're not. Even after medical professionals say they're not the person still refers to them as "swollen". This is a skewed perception of reality and by repeatedly saying the word "swollen" all that being done is reinforcing that skewed perception.

If one pokes and prods enough, they're bound to find a node they can feel. That's totally normal. Keep poking and prodding and a node can become irritated and actually swell. Persist some more and it can become shotty (permanently swollen).

So stop poking and prodding. Wear mittens if you have to! ;)

Positive thoughts

30-12-16, 13:17
Mittens is a good idea. I actually put a band aid over it but got tired of having everyone ask me what was wrong. Thanks for the reply. Some times if we laugh at ourselves it helps.

---------- Post added at 08:17 ---------- Previous post was at 08:16 ----------

I have already had mine checked by 2 docs. My internist couldn't even really feel it. I think if he had and said it was just a normal gland then I would feel better. I have heard it is common to be able to feel your own glands and that it doesn't even mean they are swollen. Lam123 hopefully we can have a laugh over this a few weeks from now and realize how crazy we were being. Hopefully. My dermatologist told me he really thought it was nothing and told me that he could 99% guarantee it. I don't like hearing 99%. I guess my health anxiety wants to hear 100% but I suppose a Dr cant tell you anything is 100%.
I am feeling better now hearing many of these threads. But still obsessing about it. Going to try to not really touch it today. I find it is biggest and hardest in the morning. So I woke up an hour ago and haven't touched it yet. Which believe it or not is really good for me. Going to try to keep it going.

31-12-16, 16:33
So then even if it doesn't go away I have nothing to worry about it? because there is certainly something there. It is very possible that its been there forever. who knows? But now it freaks me out. Hope the worrying will stop after my general check up in 2 weeks. I am actually doing better lately. Havent even checked it today. Promised myself I will do my best not to as I want to enjoy myself tonight on new years eve.

Gary A
31-12-16, 16:37
So then even if it doesn't go away I have nothing to worry about it? because there is certainly something there. It is very possible that its been there forever. who knows? But now it freaks me out. Hope the worrying will stop after my general check up in 2 weeks. I am actually doing better lately. Havent even checked it today. Promised myself I will do my best not to as I want to enjoy myself tonight on new years eve.

Well then get off of this website and stop reassurance seeking. You claim to be "doing better" yet you're still, in the same post, asking for reassurance about something that you've been told repeatedly is not cancer. That's not "doing better" at all, it's just feeding your anxiety more and more.

Get off this website for tonight, go and do something enjoyable with people you love and for goodness sake leave your gland alone.

04-01-17, 14:04
When I say I am better that doesn't mean I have stopped thinking about it completely. It just means I am better. I actually have been touching it a lot less, but unfortunately i still feel compelled to check it and it is still there
It is very small and under the skin. I am hoping it is just a normal gland and nothing to worry about.