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29-12-16, 14:59
I have been posting about a swollen lymph nodes, I am quite scared. I have read in the past that if it was cancer then the swollen node is usually hard or firm and doesn't move. Just now I read that cancer in lymph nodes are soft and moveable. I also read that with cancer they are sometimes more noticeable and a few hours later they can be less noticeable, which is exactly what I'm feeling. So I made a dr appt, earliest is next Wednesday. Anyone have a node that feels like this?

29-12-16, 16:38
Yup I have e 2 on The same side. I have a close friend who had lymphoma and I knew a girl who had it. The friend had some similar to mine but much larger you could easily see it sticking out through his skin it was 2.5 cm. And the girls went from the size of a nickel to a baseball in 3 months and was hard as a rock. Both had blood work done and both had extremely high lymphocytes. Remain calm and get your doctor to touch it. Be sure to leave it alone so it doesn't swell so the doc can see it as it naturally is.

29-12-16, 22:03
I worked with a girl who had lymphoma, her first symptoms were extreme fatigue and horrible itchy skin. Took awhile to diagnose.

---------- Post added at 22:03 ---------- Previous post was at 20:37 ----------

Do they swell for no reason? What do you do when they swell?

30-12-16, 00:13
Hi Lam123,
I have four lymph nodes that I can feel, the most concerning to me is a 1.4 cm right supraclavicular lymph node. I have always heard that cancerous nodes are hard and immobile. Of course there are always exceptions to the rule, but that is few and far between. My node is soft and mobile, but gets firmer and bigger when I mess with it. My doctor stated to me that he has felt cancerous nodes and mine do not feel that way. Also, about the fluctuating size, I have read that as well. My nodes SEEM to fluctuate in size as well. There's times when I go to feel it and it feels much bigger than it did a few hours ago. I don't know how much of that depends on the position I'm in or how much of it is psychological, or if it is truly changing in size. My doctor said cancerous nodes continue to grow in size, but like you, I have read of people having fluctuating nodes and having cancer. Just wanted to let you know that I share the same fears as you and similar experiences.

30-12-16, 00:52
Thank you Lily for the reply. I just read online aswell that less then 1% of lymphoma starts with the patient having swollen lymph nodes, usually its fatigue, feeling unwell and heavy night sweats. The girl I work with that had it, it started with extreme tiredness and horrible itchy skin.

30-12-16, 02:27
My nodes stay enlarged they swell when I keep touching them.doc says I probably caught something and it enlarged them and they never went back to their original size. Yea I read up on it and started developing symptom or so I thought... calves got real itchy I would have night sweats or so I thought... oh and I started losing weight. Have a doc look at them and let the professionals tell you if u need to worry lol.

30-12-16, 02:57
Thank you for the reply. I am going to dr Wednesday. I was sick with flu for a few weeks in late Nov.

30-12-16, 14:47
Hi Everyone, so yesterday and early this morning I barely touched my armpit, so just now I did and the swollen node is no longer near the skin, it's deeper in my pit and took a few feels to feel it. Does this mean hopefully it's going down in swelling?

30-12-16, 16:32
Yes leave it alone and let it do is job lol

30-12-16, 16:49
Yeah, the more I touch it, the easier it is to find. I think I'm gonna drive myself crazy with it.

30-12-16, 21:17
I haven't been able to sleep or eat much.