View Full Version : Is this depression?

29-12-16, 18:26
I suffer from anxiety for about 6 months now. It started with all medical symptoms, but now, it's more in my head..

I'm lost a lot a friends due to anxiety and I cry a lot. Last time, I thought: life sucks, do I really want to live? And that thought scared me SO much that I can't get over it.
Now I'm like really afraid of getting depressed and eventually killing myself, although I'm really afraid to die.

Every time I think about depression, i'm sad, but also anxious, and then I start doubting: am I really depressed or do I just fear it?

I'm having finals, so I don't have much distraction, so I don't know what to do :(

06-01-17, 12:40
For me, depression is a deep sadness, hopelessness, and inability to see the world in the magical way I used to, years ago, before depression hit. It doesn't mean you don't get happy, it just means there is a great unhappiness deep inside that is long-term. I refer to depression as a "black hole" that sucks me in at times. When it sucks me in, I burst into tears a lot, cry in the bathroom, stop talking, and go to bed in the day. If very severe, I can lose my appetite.

Mentalhealth.org describes depression: "A person experiencing depression will experience intense emotions of anxiety, hopelessness, negativity and helplessness, and the feelings stay with them instead of going away."

Having depression does not necessarily mean being suicidal - I have suffered from depression for 12 years, but I fear death, too. I don't want to die. I just want to live better than I do. Thoughts like, "Do I want to live?" are common. I had those thoughts myself a week ago. When those thoughts arise, it's best to get help. Depression can be managed.

If you think you might have depression, you could ask your doctor.

That's exactly how I feel so nicely put :)

06-01-17, 12:43
Depressed people often feel sad, down.Here some common symptoms people experience
feeling of guilt,helpless,hopeless,worthless.

06-01-17, 14:06
Depressed people often feel sad, down.Here some common symptoms people experience
feeling of guilt,helpless,hopeless,worthless. Yes can relate to this, can you?