View Full Version : Feeling rubbish again!

29-12-16, 18:28
Been on cit since March. Started on 10mg gradually working up to 30mg,where I have been for about 8 weeks. Had 3 really good weeks but now feeling rubbish again! Asked doc if I should Increase and she said it up to you really. What kind of a reply is that? Anyways I'm going to decrease. Starting tomoz with 20mg and see if i start to feel any better. Really thought I had cracked it! Any suggestions welcome. Do hope everyone else improving xx

29-12-16, 21:28
Sorry you're not feeling so good.....how long since you felt ok? Strange advice from your doctor, is she a GP or a pdoc.?
Maybe, just maybe this is a just a period you have to get through...what with Xmas and everything.

I've been home from the clinic only 3 weeks and even though the combination of citalopram and lithium seemed to be working, everyday I feel as if I am slipping back again and am exhausted. I have an appointment next Friday at the clinic so will hang on úntil then and see what the pdoc says. You have to "tweak" the dose of lithium so maybe it needs a bit of a tweak.

Try and think if there is a reason that you are feeling down, they do say that if ad's worked before they will work again...I don't understand why you are decreasing to 20mg. if I remember rightly that dose was too low for you..
try not to mess around with the dose too much. That is what I did, chopping and changing ad's....my brain didn't know whether it was coming or going.
take care

30-12-16, 08:55
Thanks for the advice Sidam. Maybe it christmas blues etc but I can't really think of anything that making me feel rubbish again. Think I going to stick with the 30 and see a different doc. Glad you are home. Keep your chin up and hope you start to improve xx

31-12-16, 10:10
I'm going through the same Polly. Had been feeling much better (been on cit since Apr, 3 months at 10mg and 5 months on 20mg) but over the past few days been feeling bad again, insomnia, horrible feelings, brain fog etc. I guess this is a blip and I'm hoping it lifts soon as I really don't want to increase. Hope you ladies both feel better soon x

31-12-16, 11:53
I'm hoping it's a blip.. so annoying isn't it? Keep strong and let's hope the new year brings much more happiness and no anxiety!! Xx

01-01-17, 13:12
Hi u 2,
I feel like rubbish as well, and am also hoping it's a blip, tho' it is a big blip been coming on for awhile now.
(can't imagine what a big blip looks like!!!):ohmy:
Maybe we need a higher dose or maybe we need to wait longer. I really don't know anymore..

wishing you a better New Year
love Sxx

01-01-17, 14:02
Hi Sidiam! Happy New Year to you, and Polly of course :D

01-01-17, 14:24
Happy new year too you both. Xx

04-01-17, 12:14
Did you see another doc. yet?
Hope you are feeling full of the joys of 2017...I'm not:weep:
don't go to my "work" today and am just hanging around,
let me know how you are getting on.
take care Sxx

04-01-17, 14:50
Hi Sidam. Things have settled down a bit. Continued at 30mg. Going to see how I feel at the end of Jan. Are you not very good? Xx