View Full Version : Late Period But Can't Be Pregnant

29-12-16, 20:12
The first day of my last period was 25th November 2016, it's now 29th December and nothing! I've done a test and it's negative, but my partner has had a vascectomy so can't be!!

I'm panicking like crazy, I've period pains, aches and pains etc but nothing??? I'm 46 and this is freaking me out

29-12-16, 20:19
When I was at this point I started charting my basal temperature.

There are several free charting websites. Ovusoft is where I am, there is a nice group of charting through perimenopause girls.

I promise you... this is just the beginning of these types of cycles and charting will give you the information you need to soothe your nerves.

29-12-16, 20:25
Thank you, at 46 the last thing I need is to be pregnant, I feel rough on and off and I'm very good at recording my periods and this is the latest I've ever been, obviously my mind is working overtime thinking alsorts

29-12-16, 20:34
Once you're in perimenopause recording your period is useless.

Your period is most likely NOT late.. you are probably not ovulating regularly anymore.

All my menstruating years all I needed was a calendar. That way of tracking my cycles was over.

I had periods at 18 days, 47 days, 175 days, 25 days... if you're charting your basal temperature, you know when you are going to have a period and when you're not.

My fear was pregnancy too, or something sinister. Both caused me horrible anxiety.

Charting is free. It's easy. Maybe 1 minute per day.

I wouldn't suggest it so strongly if I didn't totally believe it saved my sanity.

29-12-16, 20:36
To be honest I've never heard of this and don't really understand �� But thank you I will google x

01-01-17, 12:34
Still panicking, went to see my Doctor who basically wasn't worried and suggested I go and have a blood test to try and put my mind at ease, I really don't want to go. I've still no period and feel bloated and yuk and as though I'm about to start my period at any time. I'm over thinking this and can't seem to calm down from it. All of this over a missed period!!!

01-01-17, 13:02
I'm tellin' ya... this is going to be your new "normal"..

What was once a normal and dependable cycle, will no longer exist. It's a very hard thing to accept if you've been timely all these years.

You'll eventually have a period, who knows when though..

You're going to be ok :-)

01-01-17, 20:46
Thank you for your comments and by god I hope so, I'm thinking I must be pregnant or it's something sinister, it's stupid I know and how can I be sure it's premenopausal?

01-01-17, 21:16
Your age. Sorry to put it so bluntly.

Have you thought about charting your temp?

I was just like you.. freaking out. I was so scared I was literally shaking.

My entire adult life I could track my periods on a calendar. That's all I knew how to do.

There's other funky stuff that happens, I was lucky enough to find the ladies at ovusoft. They held my hand through it all... now I want to pay it forward and help others coming down the same path.


02-01-17, 06:21
Thanks NancyW, I suppose I've convinced myself that I'm pregnant, despite there being little chance if not zero chance, after my partner had a vasectomy he had to provide 2 samples that were both clear, he hasn't had the all clear, he's spoken to the clinic, the doctor said that 1 sample is clear and the other not but the chances of a pregnancy are pretty much zero. This scenario is going through my head also. It's 6am and I've just got up and I feel sick, I can't sleep very well. I will chart my temperature though and see x

02-01-17, 13:10
If I'm counting right this is cycle day 39. The pregnancy test was negative. They are so sensitive now, ladies trying to get pregnant see positive tests before they've even missed a period.

If you were pregnant, it would have already shown.

My thought is that you ovulated later then you thought...or haven't ovulated yet. It's very sporadic at this time of your life. Which by the way is the cause of all the problems.