View Full Version : Panic Attacks are ruining my job.

29-12-16, 21:02
Hi everyone,

I am pretty new to this but I felt like I needed to off load/ talk to people in a similar situation.
So over the last couple of months I have been suffering with quite bad panic attacks and they seem to be the worst when I am about to leave for work. (I work in retail) Usually my nerves tend to fade slightly once I am there for a few hours but lately the attacks have been getting worse to the point that I had to go see a doctor because I was feeling too terrible and scared to go to work so I had no choice but to call in sick.
When I went to the doctors I was told that I seemed to have serve depression which was causing the panic attacks and general feelings of sickness. My doctor prescribed me some anti depressants but warned me that there was some side effects and if I felt suicidal/ more depressed/ like my panic attacks were getting worse to stop taking them. Alas, they did make me feel worse and I couldn't handle my panic attacks and felt so sad that I couldn't bare being around anyone at all, that includes my own mother who I can usually speak to about anything and everything. So I went back to the doctors and they told me there was also counselling (which I am currently sorting) and to knock the anti depressants on the head as what I described was worrying.

Anyways, back to work...
I experienced two more panic attacks which left me unable to go to work and as understanding as work was, today really left me feeling terrible and horribly shaken up.
My manager called me to her office for a chat and mentioned that I was having too much time off work and I said explained (yet again) my whole situation. She asked if I was on any meds and if I was doing anything to help and I told her what the anti depressants had done to me and that I was waiting on counselling. What I was met with was a very icy response of "Anti depressants don't make you feel worse, they don't make you suicidal. I know, I have known plenty of people on them and they don't have stuff like that happen to them." I was shocked... My doctor told me this happens and it did and now m manager is rejecting everything I say.
She also told me I needed to sort out this "anxiety... thing" soon or I could risk losing my job... oh and the lovely "I don't want to make this worse for you"

I feel completely helpless, yes, I have dealt with depression previously in my life but it hasn't been as bad as this. Especially with the panic attacks so I guess this is new to me and now I have this and people getting annoyed at me for something I don't feel like I can help or cope with.
I really need some guidance here because I really don't know what to do, I feel like everyone expects me to get over this or that threats will help me "snap out of it" but it's just not the case...

I really want to quit my job but I know I need it to support my career choices but I don't know how much I can handle...

Am I being unreasonable? I'm scared of going to work tomorrow.

29-12-16, 21:15
Hi LauLau,
Isn't it great when people assume they know what your problems are and how to deal with them? I can't believe your manager would presume to tell you what the meds can and can't do! I know how you feel, though -- I have frequent panic attacks, and they have caused me to miss work in the past. I am currently on two different medications, and they can help. But if that's a route you want to go, sometimes you have to do a bit of trial and error. I tried a few before I found the ones that work for me (at least somewhat). I don't think you're being unreasonable at all -- don't quit yet, but maybe get some literature from your doctor to give to your manager? Perhaps that will let her know that what you're saying is true and a real problem. Good luck.

29-12-16, 21:21
Your manager sounds like a total a***hole! And they can't take your job for being ill. Antidepressants can make you feel worse on start up and can take 6/8 weeks until they start to help. I would ask your gp for something short term to help you through the starting effects of your antidepressants.

29-12-16, 21:38
The way I understand some of the laws across the pond, you guys have a law of whats called a Equality Act 2010?



(NOTE: The last link explains the employer support it in detail.)

And according to this UK gov website, employers are suppose to support you at work when your mental health is messing with your ‘normal day-to-day activity’, like the way you describe. So you might want to look into this, LauLau, so as to protect yourself against your employer.

Edit to add: BTW, I would of thought your doctor would of also given you some diazepam or lorazepam or something -pam to help you with your panic attacks. Did he/she not prescribe any such thing like that for you?

30-12-16, 08:06
Thanks guys, I'm glad that there are people out there that understands! 100% grateful for the wonderful advice too!

And @panickyguy they haven't prescribed me anything else but I'm going back to see them in a couple of days so I will discuss my options :)

30-12-16, 08:48
What I was met with was a very icy response of "Anti depressants don't make you feel worse, they don't make you suicidal. I know, I have known plenty of people on them and they don't have stuff like that happen to them." I was shocked... My doctor told me this happens and it did and now m manager is rejecting everything I say.
She also told me I needed to sort out this "anxiety... thing" soon or I could risk losing my job... oh and the lovely "I don't want to make this worse for you"

What a cow! Yet another manager with the people skills of a wheelie bin.:whistles:

Yes, anti-depressants CAN make you feel worse. They are great when they work but they certainly don't work for everybody! Me for a start.

I'd go and see your GP and tell them about the convo you had with her and ask if they will write a letter confirming the problem with the medication. I don't know if there will be a charge involved here?

P.S Don't quit. She isn't allowed to dismiss you without first making reasonable adjustments. You has rights.

30-12-16, 08:53
Your manager's very unpleasant response has made matters worse & increased your anxiety. I would also feel afraid & anxious in such a position. Its a fact that antidepressants can make one very ill with side effects. You are not lying, some people respond well to ADs - others don't.I think your manager needs to know this. Could your GP write a note to work explaining matters? Can HR or a union help in any way?

03-01-17, 05:48
Have you tried a drink called Natural Calm? You can get it online or at a vitamin store. It really works for my panic attacks.