View Full Version : Clicking under ribs?

29-12-16, 21:11
For around 2 years I've been having this clicking sensation under the right side of my ribs where if I contract my stomach, it will sometimes click. It's been giving me a lot of anxiety lately and I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this.

29-12-16, 21:56
Have you talked to a doctor? Something that has been going on for two years is probably not life threatening. Just a quirk. Call it your superpower ��


29-12-16, 22:07
For around 2 years I've been having this clicking sensation under the right side of my ribs where if I contract my stomach, it will sometimes click. It's been giving me a lot of anxiety lately and I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this.

I have. I think it has something to do with the cartilage. It never concerned me. I have had it happen for a looong time---not recently though. I mean at least I haven't noticed in more than a year.

30-12-16, 00:32
Are you by chance six pack from AZ? If so its nice to see you again :)

---------- Post added at 19:32 ---------- Previous post was at 19:29 ----------

And I haven't talked with a doctor about it yet. I think the reason I'm freaking out so badly is the limited literature about something like this, and the fact that I also have nausea, shortness of breath feeling on that same side. I had an x Ray of my spine yesterday at the chiropractor. Surely if it were some type of tumor big enough to cause symptoms it'd show up on that right?

30-12-16, 17:46
Hey Scared2death

It's funny you should say this because my girlfriend has the exact same thing and it stresses her out to no end. It doesn't hurt her or anything but I think she does get preoccupied with it occasionally as I'll see her with her hand on her stomach breathing out. She always says it feels like a popping. It doesn't bother her too much as she's not got anxiety so can turn the worry off unlike us haha :doh: I wouldn't worry too much as her doctor said it wasn't anything really. Like you assume it's probably just cartilage. Take care

bin tenn
30-12-16, 21:10
I've experienced a similar sensation occasionally for many years. As sixpack mentioned, I also think it sounds like cartilage, or maybe muscle or even some normal body fat in the area. I'm thin, but we all have some level of fat in our bodies.

30-12-16, 22:56
Are you by chance six pack from AZ? If so its nice to see you again :)

---------- Post added at 19:32 ---------- Previous post was at 19:29 ----------

And I haven't talked with a doctor about it yet. I think the reason I'm freaking out so badly is the limited literature about something like this, and the fact that I also have nausea, shortness of breath feeling on that same side. I had an x Ray of my spine yesterday at the chiropractor. Surely if it were some type of tumor big enough to cause symptoms it'd show up on that right?

Yes one and the same :D

And don't worry about this. It is nothing.

31-12-16, 13:05
This was the focus of a round HA for me seven or eight years ago. I went to the Dr and he told me I had a floating rib. Never heard of this, but he said it's normal. I stilll get this sensation but I haven't worried about it since.