View Full Version : anxiety pains, or just lack of movemnet and exercise?

11-04-07, 14:12
hey guys can anyone answer this for me, over the past few weeks, i have been getting pains in my legs, sore pains, and it hurts when i stand or walk, also it feels like im dragging 2 ton weights around with me

is this just anxiety showing a new face or could it be the fact that im starting to walk around alot more now.

also i have bad facial and head tension, anyone get this, mainly in there face, sometimes it feels like i can move one side of my face but the other is locked in tension.

11-04-07, 14:25
I've been getting quite a bit of tension on and off for a few weeks now. I found I got tension in my calves after walking for say 20 minutes, also around the right hip. More recently, my arms have been painful and sometimes tense but I can tie this up firmly with an anxiety provoking incident.

Oh, yes, I had facial tension too, but that has now gone.

Sounds like something you just have to ride through!

11-04-07, 14:30
:hugs: :lac: :hugs: :wall: :hugs: :emot-shakehead: :hugs: I'm not going to use words anymore Steve babe okies :D :hugs: xxxxx

11-04-07, 16:16
ha ha ha mandy, took me a sec to work it out hun.,

your feckin mad you are lol

love ya though.

thanks click away.

sorry mandy, sometimes i forget myself, maybe these pains are a good sign, with all the walking im doing, i was on my feet for 3.5 hours on saturday night, and not drink nd not in the house, but helping out at a busy church function, in fact i was busy all last week one way or another.

you think this might be related?

11-04-07, 16:23
Steve regarding the facial tension - try to remember to drop your jaw and wiggle it about abit regularly through the day. You'll look abit of a gormless moron (well at least I do) but it doesn't half help!!

Piglet :flowers:

11-04-07, 16:59
thanks piglet, i must remember to try that, the majoirty of the facial tension is up around my eyes, and nose, and sometimes my ears, was wondering to teh same jaw moventment help for all over or is there others i can do to help ?

just back from the shops, was intending on taking a wonder round but tokk this sharp pain in the side of my face anddashed quickly home,

feel like i have let myslef down and im now concerned about going back out again.

its strange i sit in worrying that if i leave the house that something bad wil happen when im out and i will be away from the safety and security of my family , and while i stay indoors and worry i can hear a voice in my head saying, !YOU COULDA BEEN OUT DOING WHAT YA WANTED TO AS NOTHING IS CLEARLY HAPPENING!!!"

is this my true self trying to reason with me, or just another in teh mad thought train?

11-04-07, 23:51
has anyone any advice on the last reply i wrote?

also i hae this tension feeling in my head, just under my skull and down my face, only way i can discribe it is like creaky dried out floor boards, sounds werid i know,

anyone else get this, or am i ready for the loony bin?

12-04-07, 14:58
just me again,

woke up today, my a terrible ache in my left side, from my head to my waste, every part hurts and creeks,

and my brain feels on fire, i really am struggling to believe to day that this is just anxiety,
keeping thinking cancer., tumor, heart. over and over again.

im sick of feeling this way.

its too good a day for anxiety,