View Full Version : Bowel cancer?

29-12-16, 23:26
I've had issues with my bowels for a while now. I have a mix of hard and soft stools and in the last couple of weeks, I've been having cramping pain in my lower abdomen, often after going to the toilet. I don't have bleeding or mucus (except for very rarely bright red blood after passing a particularly hard stool) I have had an abdominal ultrasound recently for pain unrelated to my bowels. They looked at my ovaries and around that area, I don't know if they looked at my bowels. I'm starting to worry there's something seriously wrong due to the cramps (that also spread to my lower back) the differing stools and also having a lot of gas, bloating and stomachache/nausea. Any reassurance would be appreciated!

30-12-16, 00:54
Thank you. I do often take Buscopan but it only seems to help the cramps but not the other things. I just always read stories that start "my dr told me I had ibs but..." and it turns out they actually had cancer. So my HA just takes over. I think the bleeding is from straining as it's bright red which is fresh so I'm guessing not sinister :/

Darren O
06-01-17, 19:12

Did you follow this up with your doc?