View Full Version : not been on here for quite a while

30-12-16, 02:34

not been on here in a while, which is a good thing my anxiety has basically disappeared for a few months , it's not hindered me like it once did long may it continue but I just wanted to say in recent weeks I've started to worry about brain anyurysms again , bot like I used to but it's a thought that seems to stick in my mind , yes i'm dealing with it better and not letting it control or stop me sleeping /

i don't know why it seems to be this little nagging fear of a brain anyuerysm i think because it can kill you so quick i fear being taken that way.

i have had symptoms in past such as dizziness and lightheadedness which is gone now, i just wish i could be totally free from worry about something i can't control.

does anyone else have the same kind of issues where they aren't really anxious anymore but still get that nagging feeling in the back of their minds?