View Full Version : Anxiety gets worse as I eat???

30-12-16, 06:11
When I suffer from anxiety I cant eat properly and when I do its almost as if the symptoms get worse when I eat and for a bit afterwards. Is this normal?

30-12-16, 06:42
When I suffer from anxiety I cant eat properly and when I do its almost as if the symptoms get worse when I eat and for a bit afterwards. Is this normal?

Eating foods that are high in sugar and salt and/or drinking coffee or drinks which contain caffeine, like Cola, can make anxiety symptoms worse as all of them can trigger palpitations.

Might be worth having a look at what you are eating.

30-12-16, 06:58
Thanks Nora B! No coffee but I do drink tea. Will keep a diary

30-12-16, 07:28
Thanks Nora B! No coffee but I do drink tea. Will keep a diary

There's 20mg of caffeine in your average cup of tea. I've been on the decaf since February.

30-12-16, 07:46
Wow that's me off for decaff today! Problem at the minute I'm so churned when I do eat I feel nauseous or wretch. Unpleasant.

30-12-16, 08:32
Wow that's me off for decaff today! Problem at the minute I'm so churned when I do eat I feel nauseous or wretch. Unpleasant.

Been there many times and I've found that it's best to eat little and often because anxiety is worse when you go without food. It's a vicious circle. You feel too iffy to eat but if you don't eat, you feel even more iffy. Like this morning, my tummy was churning but I know I had to get some food in me as adrenalin levels are highest in the morning. So I always keep small bananas in. I usually feel better within twenty mins of eating it. Two hours later, I'll have something else and I try not to go longer than three hours without eating something. Just make sure it's not high in sugar etc.

30-12-16, 08:54
Hi just came back from a party and feeling like my heart is beating faster than normal, I had a strong Margarita do u feel like that when you drink,alcohol?

30-12-16, 09:29
Hi just came back from a party and feeling like my heart is beating faster than normal, I had a strong Margarita do u feel like that when you drink,alcohol?

I used to get that, which is why I no longer drink.

"Alcohol is a diuretic. As such, it causes people to lose intravascular volume. In response to this drop in volume, the heart increases its flow by first increasing the force of contraction with each heartbeat, then later by increasing the heart rate to make sure blood pressure is maintained."

If you suffer with anxiety you will really notice this increase in heart-rate and it can trigger panic attacks, as can dehydration - which goes hand in hand with alcohol.

30-12-16, 09:33
Thanks again NoraB that's really sound advice and exactly how I feel. I'm a week after a car accident and it hit me yesterday so I'm just all over the place. Though thankfully no full blown panic today!

30-12-16, 10:04
Thanks again NoraB that's really sound advice and exactly how I feel. I'm a week after a car accident and it hit me yesterday so I'm just all over the place. Though thankfully no full blown panic today!

Sorry to hear about the accident. Glad you're OK though. Anxiety after an accident is to be expected as the flight or flight response has well and truly been activated and your body will respond with these symptoms. Try not to dwell on what happened and distract yourself as much as possible.

31-12-16, 04:53
Thanks again for the insight. I woke this morning at 330 tense and aching but slept for another hour then woke and had a banana and now just sitting in bed. I literally feel like my body is totally tense. I know it will ease and yesterday was a better day than the day before but it still isn't nice. I can be quite tough on myself too though and need to not be x I always feel better after a big cry which has just happened!

31-12-16, 07:02
Thanks again for the insight. I woke this morning at 330 tense and aching but slept for another hour then woke and had a banana and now just sitting in bed. I literally feel like my body is totally tense. I know it will ease and yesterday was a better day than the day before but it still isn't nice. I can be quite tough on myself too though and need to not be x I always feel better after a big cry which has just happened!

Try some progressive relaxation exercises for the tense muscles. The good thing about this is you can do them when you're lying in bed.

Ah yes, a good weep does us the world of good now and then. Hope today is a good day for you. :)

31-12-16, 07:38
Thank you I'll look online for some today. Going to go for a gentle swim too and then hopefully some breakfast

31-12-16, 07:48
Thank you I'll look online for some today. Going to go for a gentle swim too and then hopefully some breakfast

Sounds good. Enjoy.:D