View Full Version : Eye pressure

30-12-16, 11:03
I'm scared I may have some sort of tumor or something along those lines

My right eye feels dry and sore kinda gritty and a little blurred, I also feel very tired dispite sleeping for 12 hours last night. I have a tiny bit of dizzyness if it can even be called that it's like everything moves for a second then it's back to normal. A pressure feeling in the right side of my nose and around my eye on and off. Last week I had major brain fog but that seems to have gone. I've had headaches on and off but I think they may be tension related due to worrying about this.

The dr I saw last week said she thinks its labyrithitis but didn't really explain things very clearly she looked in my eyes and said they were fine. I have an opticians appointment tomorrow so I hope if they said everything's ok I can get over this and move on.

I'm finding this really hard to shake and a huge part of me is telling myself that my anxiety is making me feel worse but that little what if part is Winning at the moment

I had a sickness bug yesterday and I was so preoccupied with feeling rubbish that my eyes didn't seem to bother me all day, I would have thought that would have been enough to make me realise I'm ok.

30-12-16, 12:48
Sounds to me like you are taking a bunch of minor nothings that we all get, by virtue of being human, and adding it up to something sinister. basically 2+2= anything but 4. this is the usual HA reaction.

Dryness,gritty eye= maybe dry eye or just an odd amplification of your anxiety
Pressure around eye and nose= sinus issues
Brain fog=anxiety
Headache on/off= anxiety/stress, sinus issues, tension

Yep-- HA peep taking normal boring stuff and making them into things that they are not.

I have known 7-8 peeps with brain tumors--one my dad, one my sister-- you are not describing anything close to how brain tumors behave

30-12-16, 17:52
Thank you for replying. I know I'm blowing this all up more this I should but I can't quite knock that what if feeling I hope it will soon pass and I can have a few months before something else pops up