View Full Version : Help rationalizing this headache

30-12-16, 13:39
So yesterday and today I've been dealing with a mild headache.. it hasn't been continuous it comes and goes. It's like pain in ththe back of my head and temples , bridge of nose.. it kind of travels I think. Mostly the temples that bother me though.
I thought maybe it could be a tension headache from being stressed out lately or mayb I slept wrong which I think I did the other night.. also iv been laying in my bed with my neck bent and my chin basically towards my chest looking on my phone.. maybe the caused some neck muscle tension? I also read about tension headaches and what they described it as kind of fits the description I'm dealing with.
But I'm also dealing with all the worries of that it could be some bad thing like a brain aneurysm or I'm sure you all could think of what I've already worried myself about :( also I've been worried it's from my kitten scratching me or the little bite she gave me last night which I cleaned like crazy (there's a post I just did on that yesterday) but I have also thought I've got some blood infection or meningitis from the cat. I might be reaching there but anxiety has a way of making you think of every terrible cause of something.
Anyway.. just looking for advice or people who deal with tension headaches and what they feel like?
Ugh I wonder what it would be like to have a headache and not fear for your life!

30-12-16, 16:57
Sounds like a tension headache or an anxiety headache, at least spunds exactly like the headache I caused on myself from too much anxiety from worrying about a brain tumor, you are fine, it will go away on its own, dont let it become something bigger and realize its completely benign

03-01-17, 13:59
I'm definitely worried it's something like an aneurysm or tumor.. I mean I feel like headaches for most health anxiety sufferers is like the end of the world because that's what we all mostly conclude. I was thinking tension just because for the past couple of weeks I've been so stressed and gotten worked up multiple times over a living situation where my boyfriend and I are waiting for his uncle to get his stuff together and leave instead of bumming on the couch with his girlfriend so we can finally have the house to ourselves since his mom is giving it to us since they just moved and his uncle is the last straggler to get out and I've been very annoyed by him and it's just been a huge source of stress for me because I'm tired of not having my own things with my boyfriend. I'm wondering if it's just finally catching up to me and showing up as tension headaches from the stress/anxiety.
Or that I've slept wrong last week sometime because I really think I need to find a new pillow , the ones I've been buying are too firm and I think they could be the cause of this too if I sleep weird on them. I just am so fearful and I wonder if that is also adding fuel to the fire like I'm almost imagining the pains since I've been so alert and worried about it. The pains come and go and aren't the same place all the time. Sometimes the back of my head, sometimes temple area and some times forehead area.. even occasional shoulder/neck discomfort. I feel like laying down does agitate it. And since I'm so obsessed with the way my head feels I feel like when I get up sometimes my head will feel pressure like pounding but not bad almost like when you get up too fast type of feeling. I remember this happened when I was worried about heart stuff last year where I became so focused on my heart beat I could feel it in my head when getting up or down.. might be the same thing but i don't know I'm just worried. When I dont think about it or I'm going out for a walk or doing something else I don't worry about but as soon as I think about it I feel like I notice things. :(

03-01-17, 15:49
Totally feel you on this one. Same symptoms. Then I'll feel the back of my skull and convince myself that the bony parts are being pushed out bc of a tumor. It's insanity. Last night I woke up in a panic. Took some Advil, and was able to go back to sleep without an issue. I also think looking at the phone constantly has really been a problem for me. Coupled with that an anxiery, ugh--worst headaches ever. If it goes away, you should be fine.

03-01-17, 18:44
Bethel - yes exactly I have thought the same about the bumps in my skull too!
I mean the headaches aren't constant and sometimes I'll be fine but it seems like at least once a day for the past few days I've been worrying about weird head aches or pains. :( right now it's above temple area just a mild pain , the way tension headaches are explained it seems like that like a pressure feeling not bad but just gets my anxiety all worked up and bothered :(
Hasn't gotten worse it's been the same feeling of pain just random places and random times more so laying down in certain positions which could point to muscular reasoning