View Full Version : oral cancer

30-12-16, 14:54
Hi folks

Long time member, i post when my HA gets out of control

its getting out of control

5 years ago, i had what the ENT called a tonsil cyst. he said there was nothing to fear, he removed it, it was benign

unfortunately, that put oral cancer on my radar.

i don't smoke, i don't chew tobacco, i have good dental hygiene but i drink alcohol moderately.

typically no more than 2 drinks/beers between 2-4 days a week. usually 2 or 3 days.

i've mentioned this to my dr and they have said its fine.

all the literature i read says its fine

however when i had the tonsil cyst i read alcohol is a risk factor for oral cancer and now i'm always finding evidence of it.

sometimes, i have dry spots on my hard palate. sometimes on one side, sometimes on both sides. they come and go - sometimes in a matter of hours. sometimes they disappear after i eat. sometimes they disappear after i drink water. sometimes i don't feel them at all. sometimes i do.

i noticed one after i had a canker sore. it went away.

i noticed another after i burned my mouth in the same area i had the canker soree and figured it was related.

the mouth burn healed but now i still feel it, occasionally. of course i've also been hyper aware of the area and check it about 1000 times a day.

i have a dentist appointment in january.

has anyone experienced dry spots on their gums that come and go?

30-12-16, 23:35
If it was something sinister it wouldn't come and go it would get worse...

30-12-16, 23:47
If it was something sinister it wouldn't come and go it would get worse...

you're right. thanks for the reminder.

i just can't imagine what it is and that's driving me crazy. in the absence of knowing my mind flies back to what i'm afraid of.