View Full Version : Muscle Twitching and Fear

30-12-16, 15:11
I only have to look at one page of the forum to know this is a common fear. I've been a member on AnxietyZone, so hi if you remember me! However, I feel like I need to get this out here for whatever reason. My journey with HA only started last February, but has consumed me since. I've been on 50mgs of Zoloft since mid-October.

So, I'm a twitching mess and have been since early September. My latest annoyance (and terror) is a near constant twitch in the arch of my foot. Weirdly, it only seems noticeable when I cross my feet or they're propped. No noted weakness and I'm still able to do everything I always could. I've read all about ALS, BFS, etc...Of course, you all know what my fear is, ALS.

I did ask my doctor when getting on Zoloft and he said not to worry about. He didn't no any exam or probe any further. Should I go back, see a neurologist or just ignore it? I wish I could ignore, because I feel like it would go away.

Thanks for reading, just posting seems helpful. Any suggestions or can you commiserate?

30-12-16, 16:48
Thats how my health anxiety about ALS started and keeps going on savagely 5 months now... a little twitch in my calf, and after researching and seeing it could be an als symptom got bodywide twitching and a lot of other physchosomatic symptoms... dont go to a neuro, stop researching, it will go away in its own, its completely benign, ALS never begins with twitching, its extremely rare for it to present with twitching