View Full Version : Worst symptom

30-12-16, 17:39
Of all the joyous symptoms involved in our anxiety what is by far the worst if u had to choose just one to eradicate right now xxxx

Mine xx aside from the lot of them ??



Next xx

30-12-16, 17:55

30-12-16, 18:11
It seems unfair to pick out just one as my least favourite as there are so many shitty ones I'd like to send to room 101 , I'll go with dodgy shallow breathing , pretty important to my daily life is breathing. Although there are a lot of close seconds .

30-12-16, 18:39
Ok greedy u can have one more n tell it to clear off


30-12-16, 19:18
Derealization second worst and hardest to spell probably why most would say DR / DP , if I go down the list I've had pretty much every one except the ones that require me having lady bits , do I win a prize ? , it realy is a full time job being a nut case but I work hard at it . :D

30-12-16, 20:03
U win a hi five for doing your utmost to outdo the rest of us in the loony stakes xx

How do u handle the really fun adrenaline flushes that leave me looking round to see if a bear just ruffled me up n spat me out


30-12-16, 20:15
Derealization and inside chest pains (sometimes they scare me) , butcher got 2 so thought I'd get 2 x

30-12-16, 20:48
Explain derealisation to me I gotta get me some of that.

Seriously though explain it to me is it so hard


30-12-16, 21:36
Hi , just deal with it as if a real bear was behind you , run away , hide and hope no one noticed what was going on , works for me , dr if you haven't had it you are not missing out , trigger warning !! It's like being dropped on a different planet nothing seems familiar , if I get it while I'm driving it's like I've slipped into the back seat and I'm just watching somone else driving , probably good I'm
Not a bus driver , never won a high five before , there are some could beat me hands down . :D

30-12-16, 21:59
DEFINITELY depersonalisation/derealisation!

30-12-16, 22:21
DP/DR for sure. It's just so frickin weird.

01-01-17, 23:00
Depersonalisation/derealisation, but the fear of going crazy as well

01-01-17, 23:08
I wish I never had to look at or touch my body again.
Every time I see it or feel it, there is some new, terrifying symptom (I should add that I'm 44, and have never had a serious health problem, to date, in my entire life).
It has been years since I touched my breasts, because i am so scared of finding a lump. Even in the shower, i wash them with a scrubby sponge and don't touch them. I will never know if I have breast cancer unless somebody ELSE finds a lump (unlikely, since I do not have a boyfriend, and I also do not have health insurance, hence no access to health care at the moment), or unless my boob rots off.

What I dislike most about health anxiety is the cowardliness of it. Why can't I be brave, face my body like a normal person, and accept it whether it is sick or well? It is not my enemy. It is the home I must live in, for as long as I am on this earth.
But i can't, I am afraid of it, and that is what I would change. The fear.

02-01-17, 05:41
Oh god I know. If we didn't fear what's going on inside of us the symptoms would lessen but how to not fear so many scary symptoms or just the adrenaline warning u of a danger that isn't bloody visible

I'm with u on the fear it's what drains me so badly


02-01-17, 07:15
What I dislike most about health anxiety is the cowardliness of it. Why can't I be brave, face my body like a normal person, and accept it whether it is sick or well? It is not my enemy. It is the home I must live in, for as long as I am on this earth.
But i can't, I am afraid of it, and that is what I would change. The fear.

Me too.

02-01-17, 07:30
It's because when u have anxiety your body feels alien. Adrenaline pumps through it making each part sore and uncomfortable to live in. It's hard to live in a body that's not at peace.

Thru my yoga practice I now enjoy times of peace where the body feels at ease and so does the mind he se the fear subsides. It when it hits me again nothing makes me feel at home in my skin

I definitely agree that it's not all these yucky feelings but my fear of them and desire to flee them that is my biggest heArt ache

Life. So precious and so tough
