View Full Version : Random Symptoms - MS?

30-12-16, 17:42
Hi all I'm new to this forum but have been browsing for around a year when my issues started.

Around this time last year I experienced weird feeling where I suddenly came over hot, dizzy, my eyes were blurry and I had a pain in the centre of my ribs. Then I slowly developed stabbing pains in random places all over my body. In addition my sinuses were really painful and my ears full and wouldn't pop. The doctor said it was just a virus but I'd convinced myself it was something much more serious.

Then in July I was sitting at my desk at work when suddenly I came over dizzy, even more blurry in both eyes and had a pain in my chest. These symptoms lasted until I went to a chiropractor for a stiff neck. After some massage the dizzy spells subsided, however the blurred vision, ear issues and neck pain remained. Around a week ago I started to get concerned again and have been experiencing very short bouts of tingling in fingers, toes, end of nose and lips.

I've probably read every internet article on MS and convince myself I have it.

Any advice would be welcome.


31-12-16, 17:42
I have suffered with all these symptoms(and more) on and off for over eight years, honestly it is just anxiety , I find keeping busy and trying to accept that it is anxiety makes the symptoms fade away

01-01-17, 14:10
Thanks for the reply, in my heart of hearts I know it's nothing but it's not easy to believe it.

I think if I could cure the blurred vision I'd be okay.

01-01-17, 16:11
I have suffered with sinus problems for years and they cause full feeling in ears, headaches and dizziness.

I worry about a lot of health issues but just accept my sinus symptoms for what they are.

As for the blurred vision maybe a trip to an eye doctor is a good idea. There are many non serious causes of blurred vision but some do need treatment to prevent worsening of your vision symptoms.

My sister has recently had issues with blurred vision and has had an MRI and other tests which ruled out serious problems.

My mum was diagnosed with MS 20 years ago due to numerous symptoms that could not really be explained. Her symptoms were chronic and never became worse. A few years ago she moved and her new doctor said that MS didn't really fit after all and diagnosed atypical migraines. She now takes medication and has felt much better since then.

So try not to worry. It is very unlikely to be MS.