View Full Version : please help me with this.

11-04-07, 16:26
Below are things that i have to suffer with every day. I hope that you can help me in getting rid or decreasing these feelings.

What if?

whenever i think about doing something, it can be anything, i'm always thinking what if? not so what? i don't know why but i can't seem to get rid of this thought, or whatever it is

I feel as if people talk about me or are talking about me behind my back.

here's another biggie. i can never relax, as i am always thinking that people are talking about me or sniggering at me. it's really irratating but also very uncomfortable and unnerving.

I always feel tired

I never feel awake. i'm always feeling tired. this may be due to stress, but i always feel like this. i've never felt properly awake.

obsessive compuslive

i'm always doing things twice and if i don't do a certain thing, i feel something bad might happen or i'll regret not doing what i was spose to do. This again, is horrible.

think negatively about myself

i never congradulate myself. Even though time after time, school and parents have told my i'm clever, i just don't feel it. I just think i'm thick

I'm always rushing

I can never slow down. I'm always rushing about. I always feel as if i need to rush.

This is what i suffer every day and it's got to the point where i feel something has to be done.

Does anyone have any tips or articles, or anything that can rid me, or at least decrese this feelings,that does not involve councilling

thank you

11-04-07, 17:20
hey there,

this can be quite common, and i put it down to us thinking too much about ourselves and how WE think others may be think of us, when in actual fact that prob dont even realise that we are there half the time or that we have anxiety.

start writting these thoughts on paper. give them to a freind or a family member to read, and ask them to tick off which ones the think about you.

you will quickly see that your family and friends will make it quite clear that they defo do ot feel this way about you.

also write down the positive things about yourself, and when ever you feel the bad thoughts coming back, refer back to the good things about you. and keep telling yourself, these are just thoughts that have got stuck in my head..

we can have thoughts like about many differen things, eg:- a girl or guy we like, a song we cant get out of our heads, our fav day dream. ( all positive)

its just frustrating that these negative thoughts can be just as strong and as effective as the good ones, but always remember they are just thoughts and you have the power to control them.


11-04-07, 18:07
These sound like the typical thought patterns of anxiety/depression. The fatigue's a direct result of the anxiety-being worried all the time's exhausting business!!

The what if's are known as catastrophising-worriers always fear the possibility of disaster and can think of hundreds of ways something can wrong. You need to test yourself-how many times have you worried yourself sick needlessly?/how many times have your worse fears come true? Would it be so bad if they did come true-can you think of a way of coping? Most importantly, can you think of a more balanced thought-what's most likely to happen?

Paranoia is another major symptom and since you admit to experiencing low self-esteem, the two are likely to go hand in hand. You need to try to accept yourself for who you are and like yourself, regardless of what others may think...a difficult one, I know. You also need to actively try to reward yourself-say if you've done well at school etc plan a little treat and mentally pat yourself on the back.

As Steve says, writing your thoughts down is an excellent idea.

Two brilliant books on negative thought processes and how to change them are:

David Burns-Feeling Good-there's also a useful workbook to go with it.
Robert Leahy-The Worry Cure

Good luck and take care x

11-04-07, 18:14

And Welcome to NMP, im sure you find some great advice while making new friends on the way.:)

Take a look at the Symptoms, First Steps and How to Cope Pages of the forum, which are sittuated at the left and side of this page, you will find lots of good advice that will help.
