View Full Version : Panic when a guy likes me

30-12-16, 23:54
My issue is robably down to my anxiety. Whenever I'm anxious about something I feel physically sick and in most cases will puke. Whenever I get feelings for someone I freak out. I've been friends with this guy for a couple of years and we have become extremely close in that time. Recently we both admitted to having feelings for one another, however I simply can't face them. The thought of going on a date or getting close to him makes me feel physically sick and panics me. But then there are others time when that's all I want, just to chill with him and hug him and go places and share things with him. But when it actually comes down to it I just freak out at the thought of it. I don't know why if we didn't have feelings then I could most likely meet up with him outside class time and feel relaxed, we're both 18 by the way, last year of high school.
Btw - I am going to a gathering in a few days and he will be there and the very prospect of that is putting me off going because I just feel already sick and nervous and like I will freak out. At the last gathering it was such a relief to find out that he wasn't going, - that shouldn't be the case for someone that you're practically in love with. I have had strong feelings for him for a long time and he head listened to all my problems and cared and I just don't know what's making me like this. It's honestly crippling. Should I go to this gathering? I'm scared I'll freak out idkkk! Helppp

Sam Winter
31-12-16, 00:11
I speak from the experience of me and boyfriend,
I had the exact same issue and then one day he invited me to a party, the sick feelings got more real and more worse, but I decided to go anyway because he told me if I didn't like it I could just jump back on a bus home. after going there and taking some deep breaths I actually managed pretty okay and that day was a huge bonding moment for us, I'm not quite sure what this gathering will be like but I'd say give it a try, if you honestly do not feel up to it then its okay to choose not to go but if there's a part within you that wants to go I'd say go for it, if you don't like it you can just leave early, you never know whether an experience will be positive or negative until you try and either way you'll learn from them x.

31-12-16, 04:12
I say give it a try. If things go well (and I'm sure they will) you can then arrange to meet with him in a more relaxed setting. He's probably nervous about it too!