View Full Version : Please help I'm having such a bad time

31-12-16, 00:14
I have a few things going on at the moment which are tormenting me.
I seem to be able to control adrenaline in my body. I can do this 'thing' where I can feel adrenaline or something run through me. My pupils dilate and my heart rate goes up a little. Went to docs over it years ago she said it's not harmful to me.
But my issue is this, I have noticed more of those red pin prick spots on my skin and I've convinced myself I've caused them by the 'adrenaline surge'. I am also very twitchy as well anf again think I've done this. I'm terrified I'm damaging by body by this thing I can do. I know just don't do it is the obvious answer but it's like a sensation, and I have to sort of resist the urge. But resisting the urge is becoming the battle. My doctor did say it wasn't harmful. But is it possible I've caused an increase in the cherry spots and the twitching?
I'm desperately scared, demented, can't sleep. Drank far too much in a bid to feel better and obviously today has increased my anxiety beyond my worst it's been for a long time.
Any soothing words would be so helpful right now, I think my boyfriend is ready to bash his head off a wall, I've talked non stop about it :(

31-12-16, 00:31
You just posted abut this (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=192507)

Sorry you're feeling bad but as with many, drinking is only a short lived relief that causes increased anxiety after the fact.

Your doctor doesn't seem concerned but it's obvious it's increasing your anxiety which would account for increased twitching etc. I highly doubt it's harmful oter than feeding the anxiety fire.

Hope you feel better soon!

Positive thoughts

31-12-16, 00:48
Thanks Fishman.
No she wasn't concerned, just baffled I think. This freaks me out more though, because I feel like some sort of alien, and that the doctors wouldn't know if it was bad or not because it's not an illness it's just a thing? I'm lying in bed trying not to do it, but it feels like it's in my legs and wants to be released. Like a tingling of electricity. It's got me demented, I'm so tired.
How do I get past this. It's nothing new, I've been able to do 'it' since I was a teenager. Why is it stressing me so badly? It surely can't do me any real harm can it?
Yes the drinking was a bad idea, but to be honest I've been really bad with it. Drinking every night, just not as much as last night because I was out with a friend.
Argh, I'm in a bad way.