View Full Version : what kind of throat sensation do you get

31-12-16, 01:14
For me, it changes sometimes its like a popcorn husk at the back of my tongue or other times like a glob of something further down my throat.

Its always there somewhere.

31-12-16, 01:23

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31-12-16, 02:22
Fullness feeling in the throat for me.

Just noticed your name:roflmao::roflmao:

Sam Winter
31-12-16, 12:28
Mines usually one-sided but it alternates(dominates the right side generally however) it gets kinda worse after eating so putting it down to my silent reflux(still scary as heck though) just feels like something stuck is the best I can explain x

31-12-16, 15:29
I get a tight throat that feels like I'm being strangled! Yesterday I had a sharp pain on the left side of my throat.

04-01-17, 17:57
I get a tight grasping feeling where my thyroid is or I get it further up, sometimes I have it one sided when I swallow and other times it just feels really tight..........it pinches also sometimes when I swallow or feels like the common sore throat.....anyone get this too?

04-01-17, 18:16
I get a tight throat, trouble swallowing, stabbing pains in my throat and neck whilst and after I'm eating, and a feeling like there is glass in my throat after I've eaten.

04-01-17, 19:26
Usually left hand side. Sometimes on left side of tongue and top palate. Sometimes get tightening all over throat. Better after eating. Drives me crazy, always aware of it.

06-01-17, 08:44
I have tightness when I swallow especially tablets which just will not go down am conscious of every mouthful of food I eat I am very low at the moment feel like I just can't do this any more I've had mental health problems nearly all my adult life and its exhausting 😞😞😞

06-01-17, 09:41
I'm very similar to that Smogie, eating is just a huge ordeal. I chew everything into a real mush just to ensure I can't choke on it. I tried eating normally last night and was in agony for 2 hours after and have woken up with really ad neck and throat pain this morning. You're right it is exhausting!

06-01-17, 19:05
I get a tight throat, like someone's choking me and a feeling of fullness lower down in my throat/chest- it sucks when you have a fear of choking. I also get a need to keep clearing my throats after eating sometimes or when I laugh/shout. I always worry about focusing on these sensations too much ch and not been my able to escape from it.