View Full Version : Blips are a normal part of recovery - right?

31-12-16, 10:15
Been on citalopram now for 8 months. Started on 2/4/16 @ 10mg and increased to 20mg on 2/6/16. It's taken a long long time but I started to feel a lot better and I'm working now too and have been on holiday, but just recently I've started to feel rubbish again, waking up at night and unable to get back to sleep, feeling depressed and lethargic but with an undertone of anxiety in the background, brain fog etc. I'm terrified it's coming back again and of course that's just making things worse. Is it normal to be having a blip so far into the treatment? Thank you.

31-12-16, 11:14
Hello, sorry to hear your having a rough time. Yes blips are definitely part of recovery, they always come at during times of added stress or responsibility, like christmas and new year! I have no idea why there is so much pressure during the festive period but there is. a lot! But be assured it completely normal. You've probably tried it, and it might not be for you, but i find mindfulness meditation to be the best thing for me during stressful times, i do it once everyday anyway but when I'm feeling ill i do it twice a day. There are some apps on your phone like headspace and breath. Nothing lasts forever, not even blips.

31-12-16, 11:51
Thank you so much! Yes a lot of things have happened recently; an elderly relative had died and I'm sole executor of his will so I've been trying to sort lots of stuff out and need to clean his bungalow out and everything and it's all getting on top of me a bit I think. My uncle died, my neighbour died, and our lovely boss at work has been diagnosed with liver cancer at 40 years of age. When I think about it there has been a lot going on and add Christmas into the whole equation and I guess it's no surprise I'm having a blip. If I know it is just a blip and not a sign that it is all coming back again I think I will cope a bit better, so thank you again for the kind words and reassurance