View Full Version : extreme irritation

31-12-16, 10:51
I've been staying with family for 8 days now and sleeping on the sofa. I've basically had no privacy and no control over my routine or diet. I've managed to keep my anxiety in check mostly but today I woke up feeling soooo tense, irritable and angry. Literally like I could just morph into the Hulk, smash the room up and scream at everyone!

This is very, very unusual for me and its really scaring me - I'm not usually an angry person. Has anyone else ever experienced this?

31-12-16, 11:55
Since I have this anxiety I'm EXTREMELY irritable! I think it's just a way the tension tries to leave! Just tell your family members if they don't know yet, they will understand! After a while, you'll recognize you're irritability, and know that it's because you FEEL irritable, that you have to ACT irritable ;)

31-12-16, 13:32
Thx for your reply. Sorry that you've experienced this because its really unpleasant but it does make me feel better that someone else knows what I'm going through x

31-12-16, 13:39
I think you have done really well to have coped with 8 whole days with your family. I would be like a caged lion and couldn't have done 8 hours. Irritability and anger are completely normal with anxiety-particularly when you are under pressure and out of your comfort zone. I hope you manage to escape home soon!:D

31-12-16, 14:45
Caged lion is a perfect description of me right now. I'm leaving Monday morning and I'll have to try really hard to fake sadness at leaving them all behind hehe.

I hope you've had a good festive period Pulisa x