View Full Version : Feeling terrible

31-12-16, 11:17
How do you deal with it when your anxiety is out of control and making you feel sick and taking over your thoughts? At what point do you say enough is enough and quit doing things? How much of it is a gut feeling and how much is it evil anxiety?

I am looking forward to my trip but am equally PETRIFIED! Should I just back out or fight through it?

I really need help!

---------- Post added at 11:17 ---------- Previous post was at 11:16 ----------

I am desperate at the moment. Truly.

31-12-16, 13:36
I'm sorry to hear you're struggling. :( Sometimes, it's hard to tell whether something is just too much for you and you should do something easier, smaller instead, or whether you should just push through as the pay-off will be amazingly rewarding.
Quitting is never an option. You need to carry on living, and doing things is a part of living. Anxiety or not, life goes on. Saying that, addressing the anxiety and working with and around it are what ought to be done.
My anxiety has been out of control so many times throughout my life and, when this would happen, I would do what I could with what I could. Better times will come, and you'll be able to do more. However, for the time being, be patient with yourself and help yourself.

31-12-16, 14:41
Yeah, I agree with Ana. It's really hard to find the right balance between knowing when to push yourself and when to go easy on yourself. The way I think is that if I do something I dread there's a chance it'll be horrible but there's also a chance I'll enjoy it. If I stay at home I'll just feel terrible. Most of the time the anticipation is worse than the actual thing itself. Only you can decide but, either way, don't blame yourself for your decision.


31-12-16, 15:26
You went through the same last time you went but you ended up enjoying it. Try to focus on the fun you had last time.

01-01-17, 18:12
Cheers for the replies. It's hard to tell isn't it, when something is wrong or just a victim of anxiety!

I think a bit of unintentional pressure from my husband hasn't helped. He doesn't mean to but he tends to tell me to 'just do it' which is great advice but terrifying!

01-01-17, 18:24
He is right in a way...Just feel the fear and do it anyway :) Anxiety symptoms are very like excitement so sometimes it is hard to know...are we really anxious about something or are we excited? Try to make yourself believe it is the second :D

01-01-17, 18:33
Why is it so hard? Why am I so scared I'll go flying tomorrow and get kicked off the slope?!

01-01-17, 18:43
You have done it before and nothing bad happened and you can do it again. Have a lovely time...I am sure you will xx

01-01-17, 19:25
Annie, I've sent you a pm. Thank you. X

01-01-17, 19:29
It sounds simple in theory: just do it! The reality, however, is a lot different. Saying that,though, sometimes it's worth pushing through and getting an amazing accomplishment as the award at the end of your journey. :)

02-01-17, 07:48
Oh so hard when u don't want it to defeat u. Ur the words u use to fight your way through it are going to make u feel more tense trust me it's so so unbearable it to fight it but it's our key to peace eventually

Don't give up on your trip but when mine is bad I just take a breath n say ok u go ahead n do your worst. I have a life to live so if your here up have to come along for the ride.

Oh and then at times it overwhelms me too much. But we are survivors who never give up xx
