View Full Version : My resolution to get better

31-12-16, 13:20
I have suffered with GAD for the past 10 years ever since the birth of my daughter some times it's worse than others this year has been particularly bad. Well I say this year has been particularly bad but that is only with regards to my anxiety, if I actually look back at the past 12 months nothing terrible has actually happened to me I have a loving family, a good job and a safe secure home. My biggest trigger is the news and things that are out of my control, of which this year it has been one thing after another. people who know me have no idea about my anxiety apart from those closest to me. I am a very private person so even this post is a big thing for me. I visit this forum often, especially when I am feeling bad sometimes it helps sometimes it makes me feel worse. Anyway I cannot continue allowing this to control my life I need to do something about it, I don't really know the first step to take it appears cbt may be a good option for me. I'm worried about going to a gp that they may not be helpful I once asked one for some tablets to help me get on a flight and he told me if I carried on like that I'd end up neurotic by the age of 30, and guess what he was right, here I am !
Anyway thanks for listening I just wanted to get that off my chest.

31-12-16, 18:26
Good luck to you!!

I know it can be challenging to get help, and from what I understand from this site that is especially true over there, but honestly getting help was the best thing I ever did. I saw my GP, I saw a psych and a couple therapists, got on meds, and haven't looked back. There are some rough days but they're a lot easier to cope with when I know they'll pass.

You can do this. 2017 is going to be a good year for us all!!!

01-01-17, 16:28
Thanks Poppy
It is good to hear that there is light at the end of the tunnel. My husband said he will help me look into where I can go to get help. There is a place in town but I'm not sure if I can just call them or how to go about things