View Full Version : Deliveries anxiety

11-04-07, 17:45
I just wondered if anyone else gets this:

I'm expecting something delivered and the company said they thought it'd get here either today or tomorrow.

I've been in on my own today so I knew if it came I'd have to answer the door and sign for it.

But although that makes me anxious, i've also been on edge all day waiting for it to arrive. Everytime i've heard what I think is a van passing, i've jumped up and looked out of the window. I've also been anxious everytime i've gone to the loo incase they came to the door then. And also I haven't been able to eat as much as my stomach's been all churny and my throat's been tight,

And after all that it hasn't come today lol.

Does anyone else get like this?


11-04-07, 19:14
Hi heths
I have been exactly the same today, been waiting in for my daughters new phone to be delivered,not slept properly incase I slept in, been up and down like a yo yo every time a van went past, not eating incase I get Diahorrea and miss the knock at the door and guess what it didn't arrive so I have to go through it all again tomorrow. I have no answers, but hope kowing that you are not alone might help.:D

11-04-07, 19:33
I was amazed reading your post because it was just as if I had written it. I get exactly like this over deliveries. I have agoraphobia and social anxiety and dont go into shops at all any more; so ordering and buying stuff off the internet should be a really great answer for me. Unfortunately the worry over the delivery makes the whole thing a bit of a nightmare.
We get a lot of parcels delivered to our house and the post lady, when she has one, honks her horn outside the house and I have to go out and get it. The mere possibility of a parcel coming has me kind of paralysed from 1pm to 4 pm every day tiptoeing about listening for the horn. Today I had a horrible panic attack on my way out to get the parcel and nearly didn't make it at all.
Even worse is when we get a delivery of oil. The tanker driver can never say for sure exactly what day he is coming and I am on edge for days about having to chat while the tank fills and then write a cheque in front of him.
This Anticipation Anxiety can be exhausting. I feel so relieved when the driver finally pulls away and I can relax. I have thought of asking delivery people to leave parcels in the shed, but this would just result in my tiny amount of social contact reducing to nothing. I would love to be like 'normal people' and be able to put the whole subject out of my head till the van arrives.
I hope your parcel comes first thing in the morning , Heather and you can get some peace.

11-04-07, 20:11
i get exactly the same way, i'm agoraphobic and have my shopping delivered by the supermarket, the day its due i am very nervous and cant wait for it to be over

11-04-07, 20:13
Yes i get exactly the same way too. it's sooooo frustrating to get so wound up over things like this, when really of course deep down i know there's nothing at all to worry about. I can't work out why knowing this doesn't make the social anxiety and agoraphobia go away - just takes time i guess (i hope!).

scarlett x

11-04-07, 20:25
Hi Heather,

Im just the same if i know im having a delivery, but if im getting a large item delivered by van (the van drivers usually have mobiles) i tend to tell a Porky Pie (Lie lol):blush: , i tell them "i wont be in i will be at work"and give them my mobile number and say "ring me half an hour before you are coming! and i will make sure i am at home! Saves me looking out the window all day. I just keep looking at my phone instead....lol

Ohhh:ohmy: :ohmy: I will never go to heaven !



11-04-07, 23:08
Hi there

Yes I'm the same. I hate deliveries! I remember when I was getting my new mattress delivered and I was pacing about all day. The shop said the delivery would be any time between 9am and 4pm. They didn't arrive til around 1.30pm which obviously gave me loads of time to work myself up into a wreck. As soon as I opened the door, I started panicking. The two guys offered to take the mattress up the stairs but cos I was trying to disguise my panicking, I told them to drag it into the living room....couldn't get rid of the poor blokes fast enough!!

Even worse is when workmen have to come to the house to fix something. I just can't deal with it on my own so I always make sure there is someone else in the house. I just get really anxious if there is someone in the house I don't know. Not so long ago the central heating went to pot. There was a team of three men all over the house....in every room and even the loft for 3 hours....aaaarggghhhh.....couldn't stand it!!!

Lexxie xxx

11-04-07, 23:43
i tell them "i wont be in i will be at work"and give them my mobile number and say "ring me half an hour before you are coming!

Oooh cleverrrr!!! I'm gonna do that too!!

Not only do I get like this but I also prefer one of the piglets to be home when I have my tesco online delivery - this is just incase I start screaming and waving my arms in the air for no apparant reason, then they can take over.

Why I think I will suddenly do this I really don't know - afterall I have spent 7 years having panic attacks and never once done it!! MInd you I could over some of the subsitutions they sometimes put in!! :mad: :yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

12-04-07, 16:44
Thank you for the replies everyone. I'm around people who arn't like this about deliveries, it's good to know i'm not alone.

Regarding my delivery, I worried all yesterday and today, and do you know after all that, there had been a mix up with my delivery and I've been told it's likely to be Monday now before I get it.

Thanks again everyone, it did help to read all your replies. And Andrea, what you do sounds a good idea :wink: :)

Heather x