View Full Version : Intrusive thoughts about death.

31-12-16, 21:44
Hey guys does anyone get reacurring intrusive thoughts about death. I have suffered from this a lot over the last few years especially the last 2. I keep getting thoughts stuck in my head that im going to die on special occasions and at the moment it's im going to die at the stroke of midnight at New Years. So in a few hours it's been causing panic attacks all day and I'm terrified to go to sleep, the same thing happened last year and I stayed up past 12 till 12.05 to make sure I was awake and aware if I was going to die stupid compulsion and feel stupid saying all this, does anyone else have experience with this

Catherine S
31-12-16, 22:12
But you didn't die last year, so are you going to think you're going to die on the stroke of midnight every year? you'll be fine Gadgirl, just enjoy bringing in the new year, and in the words of Freddie Mercury. ..who wants to live forever? :)

Happy New year to you

31-12-16, 22:25
I hope not I start new therapy in a couple of weeks to help me, I am currently lying in bed with the dog watching a film quite night for me, it's just to see if other prior experience stupid irrational thoughts like this.

Happy new year too you too xx

31-12-16, 23:33
Hi GG,

In the past, I experienced strong recurring fear of death during stressful changes in my life. When I became comfortable with the changes in my life my fears diminished.
Happy New Year!

01-01-17, 01:15
Oh man, thought I was the only one with this problem. But yeah, I get imaginative thoughts of actually dying on occasions too and especially on upcoming calender events like Christmas or New Year's.

The only thing I can think of, that brings on these type of thoughts and fear of it actually happening in my case, is because of what I see or read in the news about many people dying around this time of year; specifically famous people like in the case of George Michaels, Carrie Fisher and her mother Debbie Reynolds. (and get this) -> And another thing I think brings it on in my case, is like seeing an ambulance fly by my house (lights flashing, siren going, all that) and going up the hill to my neighbors' house two days after Christmas. Not good!

Anyway, I've been getting these intrusive thoughts again as well since then. Even as late as about a hour and a half ago from this post. But what I do is try to block it out and focus on doing something else to get mind off of focusing on that. Doesn't always work though, my imagination is too strong at times.

Catherine S
01-01-17, 02:42
I love that...currently lying in bed watching a movie with the dog. That has to keep it real, what's the dog's name?


01-01-17, 05:53
Gatsby12's thread started about this fear.

It's a Magical Thinking issue in that it's impossible to know and you can't influence the physical world with your mind.

The more you give it importance through that compulsion, the more it will stay with you. Rationally you know this is an impossible fear, why would you go from healthy to dead and what is the significance of the stroke of midnight?

01-01-17, 13:21
Oh man, thought I was the only one with this problem. But yeah, I get imaginative thoughts of actually dying on occasions too and especially on upcoming calender events like Christmas or New Year's.

The only thing I can think of, that brings on these type of thoughts and fear of it actually happening in my case, is because of what I see or read in the news about many people dying around this time of year; specifically famous people like in the case of George Michaels, Carrie Fisher and her mother Debbie Reynolds. (and get this) -> And another thing I think brings it on in my case, is like seeing an ambulance fly by my house (lights flashing, siren going, all that) and going up the hill to my neighbors' house two days after Christmas. Not good!

Anyway, I've been getting these intrusive thoughts again as well since then. Even as late as about a hour and a half ago from this post. But what I do is try to block it out and focus on doing something else to get mind off of focusing on that. Doesn't always work though, my imagination is too strong at times.

No your not alone i am glad that someone else experiences this but obviously sorry you suffer from it too. Yeah I get things in my head cause so many people seem to pass away on special occasions I get a fear it's going to happen to me

---------- Post added at 13:21 ---------- Previous post was at 13:20 ----------

I love that...currently lying in bed watching a movie with the dog. That has to keep it real, what's the dog's name?


:roflmao: haha... his name is Harvey lol... the dog seems to help calm
Me sometimes

01-01-17, 19:15
No your not alone i am glad that someone else experiences this but obviously sorry you suffer from it too. Yeah I get things in my head cause so many people seem to pass away on special occasions I get a fear it's going to happen to me

Well hey the feeling is mutual, GadGirl, and I'm sorry you suffer from it too. It sucks, I know. Also it's obvious it's a side effect from the biggest culprit GAD and Panic Disorder about our own health.

It seems to me all that negativity about death is from having anxiety\panic attacks, when we experience those tense moments of when we think we are about to die or something, but never do, which tend to linger in our minds as leftovers or something. Hence comes in the after effects of those occasional intrusive thoughts like that. But it's going to get better if we keep fighting it and try to think positive.

So stay positive, GadGirl, and fight what I call stinkin' thinkin'. And this is for you...:hugs:

30-03-17, 20:08
I've had this daily for around six months to a year.

Very depressing I keep worrying about how many years I will have less. I googled reincarnation and all sorts never really cheered me up. :blush:

---------- Post added at 20:08 ---------- Previous post was at 19:34 ----------

So not sure how I can feel better about this?

31-03-17, 20:06
Yes, I have a lot of experience with this. A few years ago, I had an obsession that I was going to die on a certain date in October of 2014. This worry consumed my mind for the majority of 2014. It really sucked to live with that anxiety on my mind. But the thing that you should learn is that it only a symptom of magical thinking. Just thinking about something alone is not enough to make it happen.

These thoughts can feel so real to the individual who has them. When you have these thoughts, it can feel very realistic and magnified to the point that it causes racing thoughts. Don't let these thoughts get the best of you. One piece of advice that I've taken from this forum is to not worry about the future because the future is extremely unpredictable to a large extent.

I wish you luck in overcoming your intrusive thoughts. I hope I helped.

28-02-18, 22:00
I read this today


Feel depressed now anybody else feel this way?

01-03-18, 01:37
I read this today


Feel depressed now anybody else feel this way?

Are you trying to link your feelings of depression to the brain state they are discussing or are you feeling depressed from reading an article about death?

01-03-18, 19:27
Hey guys does anyone get reacurring intrusive thoughts about death. I have suffered from this a lot over the last few years especially the last 2. I keep getting thoughts stuck in my head that im going to die on special occasions and at the moment it's im going to die at the stroke of midnight at New Years. So in a few hours it's been causing panic attacks all day and I'm terrified to go to sleep, the same thing happened last year and I stayed up past 12 till 12.05 to make sure I was awake and aware if I was going to die stupid compulsion and feel stupid saying all this, does anyone else have experience with this

Don’t worry hun I have that..
I actually worry I’m going to kill myself by accident a lot and I think about it constantly. I work surrounded by death but in some respects it helps because .. I realise if I’m going to die I’m going to die I can’t do anything about it so why worry about it . I worry more about other people dying really..
but do remind yourself that if it was going to happen u can’t change that but don’t live your life in fear of it! I like to think to myself some people in this world know they are drying and they aren’t afraid so why the hell am I ... you know?

17-03-18, 01:19
Yes, I get this. It used to be horrible (thinking about it all the time, extremely different mental state/mode of awareness) but now it's more of that passing thing you're talking about. Birthdays, New Years, I feel those...

I know exactly what you mean. Feel free to DM