View Full Version : Lasting jaw pain after dental work? Worried it's nerve related

31-12-16, 22:38
So on the 22nd, I had two fillings done on my left side. A wisdom tooth on the top and a molar on the bottom. It was very straightforward and nothing new to me, as I have had a lot of dental work done. The tooth on the bottom was very sensitive and painful for a couple of days afterwards, but I figured it would settle eventually. The injection site from the novocaine was also very deeply achey. Soon after this, I started getting bad achey jaw pains on that side, as well as deep pains in all of the teeth on the bottom left. Whenever I press on my jaw or the gums near the bottom tooth that was filled, I get a bad jolt of pain all the way to my front teeth, which continues to ache for 10-20 minutes.

When I had the novocaine shot, I had a very bad jolt of pain that went all the way to my front teeth and continued hurting until I went numb. It is the same as the pain I now have when I press on my jaw/bottom molar. I'm very worried that I have some sort of permanent nerve damage from the shot. What should I do? Anyone else experienced this? I'm scared to go back in to get it checked if they caused it!

bin tenn
01-01-17, 00:30
Ask the dentist. Likely normal effects of the work you had done, IMO. But they can advise appropriately.

01-01-17, 05:45
Sometimes they can scrape against a nerve and cause it to inflame. I've heard of it before on here and my GF had this one. She called the practice because the pain wasn't going and they asked the dentist who mentioned this and have her advice on how long to wait before coming back.

So, it would be best to give them a ring. It may not need anything doing if it just needs a little time to reduce.