View Full Version : Scared of a brain tumor

01-01-17, 03:11
So lately for the past week or so, when I eat something, I feel nauseated right after. Also sometimes when I talk I will slip up a few words or I can't think of a word at that moment. I'm not throwing up or having headaches or seizures but I have this fear because of my colorful imagination that I have a brain tumor. I'm only 22 and no one in my family has gotten brain cancer but the fear is there anyway.

01-01-17, 03:19
Hey Drew... Anxiety symptoms are frightening and confusing but at 22 and based on your post history, you can most certainly attribute this to your anxiety. I hope you feel better soon!

Positive thoughts

Sam Winter
01-01-17, 03:23
Hey there Drew x.
I get this quite a lot especially saying things and thinking of words, its usually down to anxiety plus given your age and history I'd say you're more than safe, I know how hard it is to ignore the imagination but its just a vivid interpretation of what's not real so don't believe it x

01-01-17, 03:32
I went to the doc last August and they ran some very detailed tests and said there were no problems. I had been having this random twitching across my body and brought this to the attention of my doctor and after the tests said it was just anxiety or too much caffeine. I still worry from time to time because I can't physically look inside my head and see that my brain is fine.