View Full Version : Constant sore chest

01-01-17, 09:07
My whole chest feels rotten inside. I wake up at night, sometimes feeling very ill, sometimes fine, it changes through the night. Sometimes it feels, muscular or maybe under the breast bone, sometimes it feels like heartburn. Days aren't much better. It's been this way for quite a while now. I am on Omeprazole for the last few months for reflux, but the thing is I never had this before I was on Omeprazole. I was given it for silent reflux for a long term sore throat, which has got better.

Could this just be down to anxiety/stress?

02-01-17, 21:27
No one else get this?

02-01-17, 23:27
Oh yeah man, I've been in the same boat like yourself many times with a sore chest and I take Prantoprazole for my acid reflux. But I always put it down to the combination of acid reflux and having a anxiety\panic attack from the acid reflux. Because my chest muscles will tighten up when I do have these anxiety\panic attacks and then my chest remains a little sore afterwards.

It all goes hand in hand, acid reflux, rapid heart beat, tightening chest muscles, anxiety\panic attacks, etc. And if you're constantly having anxiety\panic attacks, well you're probably going to have a constant sore chest.