View Full Version : A few questions....

01-01-17, 12:17

Can i self refer for a brain MRI?

Could holding my mobile phone in my hand, in bed, for a couple of hours at a time over a week, make my hand go weird? It feels a bit weak - my grip isnt that good.

Why would I till be suffering with a sinus problem after almost 6 weeks? Lots of congestion that I can sniff up but cant blow out, thumping head even though Im on a 2 week course of antibiotics.

I had a brain CT and nothing was said about my sinuses.

SO anxious and fed up.


Sam Winter
01-01-17, 15:25
Self referring yourself may be possible but depending on what your reason is the docs may not take you on.

yes it certainly can, i'll admit i practically live on my mobile lol the way you hold it is always in a tight gripped position so it tends to weaken your hand x

01-01-17, 15:38

Thank you for replying.

Yes, Ive been going to bed and holding my mobile in my left hand, and its the left hand that has gone weird!

It feels stiff - like its really cold.


01-01-17, 16:20
Common sense dictates that this is due to you holding the phone for extended periods of time. Nothing more. Modern technology has instigated a whole new list of maladies. Increased carpel tunnel due to using a mouse all the time. Increased eye strain from staring at a monitor all day. And a new one called "text neck" which is due to always looking down at your phone.

If you want to pay out of pocket for an MRI to find out nothing's wrong, that's up to you but a much more cost effective solution would be to not take the phone to bed. As far as the sinuses? Take your meds and give it time. There are also some OTC sinus remedies that can help alleviate the symptoms.

Positive thoughts

01-01-17, 16:27
I have had chronic sinus problems for years which are quite annoying but nothing I worry about. A good check to see if a headache is caused by sinus congestion is to stand up and put your head upside down. If you feel increased pressure in your forehead or more likely a thumping headache feeling it is very likely to be sinus congestion.

01-01-17, 16:31
Thank you xx

Fishmanpa, thank you again xx