View Full Version : Sprodiac Fatal Insomnia. Help. Please read.

01-01-17, 13:14
I know a lot of people have posted regarding SFI. I just need an answer to clarify my situation. It started on 2014. I suddenly have a difficulty breathing. My heart beat was so fast it felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. Went to the hospital, done a few tests everything came out clear. Started from that day I was never the same. Here are the symptoms:
1. Fast and hard heartbeat
2. Period stop showing up
3. Terrible insomnia
4. Whole body twitching
5. Burn sensation and stiff on my neck
6. Difficulty breathing

This is are everything that I was facing from 2014 up until now. I'm losing my mind and when I looked up insomnia. SFI showed up and it fits everything I was suffering from. Yesterday, I hit my head hard accidently. I was extremely scared since I have read about a boy dying from SFI prior before his death he had two hard blow to the head due to football. I don't know what to think or do anymore. I'm just sick seeing doctors after doctors and never have an answer for my problem. Trust me I'm so close in ending my life. So close because I'm so tired with this life. My father died in late 2014. I lose my main suppport. I don't even see the point of living if I'm going to suffer from this unknown illness my entire life alone.

01-01-17, 15:09
If it was fatal insomnia and started 2 years ago you would be dead by now, you have a lot going on, but its not life threatening, you need to keep looking for answers but no way its fatal insomnia

01-01-17, 15:36
Everything is just too much to handle.

01-01-17, 16:15
I know in your mind you think this is a possibility but SFI is an inherited malady that affects less than 50 families worldwide. It's FAR rarer outside of it being inherited. By far, this is one of the rarest conditions known to mankind and I can say with certainty this is not what's affecting you.

Everything you describe is an anxiety symptom and that alone is the reason you're experiencing the real physical symptoms. Treat your anxiety and you'll treat the symptoms that go along with it :)

Positive thoughts

Captain irrational
01-01-17, 17:33
There have only been around a dozen recorded cases of SFI in history. I'm 100% certain you don't have it.