View Full Version : Throat cancer panic

01-01-17, 18:14
Unfortunately the new year hasn't started so well for me. I've been worrying about throat cancer all day and I've tried everything I usually do to snap out of it but I'm still panicking.

For about a week or so I've had a hoarse voice on and off not constantly, yesterday I noticed slight ache/discomfort in my throat. Today I can feel a lump or swelling of some sort right in the middle of my throat, it doesn't hurt but if I were to press firmly it's a bit sore.

It feels strange when I swallow and I can feel my throat getting sore.
My partner thinks what I'm feeling is muscle! But I don't because it feels cylinder shaped and not anything I've ever felt there before, I don't have to press for it if I glide my fingers down my throat a bit to the left you can feel the lump..

I'm a smoker which is why I am thinking this, although I've cut down dramatically as of late I've smoked for a long time. I will most likely book a doctor's app but I don't want to worry myself sick before then.

Am I getting ahead of myself or does it definitely sounds worrying?

P.S happy new year!

01-01-17, 18:25
My husband's voice became hoarse in August and I started panicking about throat cancer. I nagged him to the doctor and after two visits to Ear, Nose and Throat he was diaganosed with a polyp on his vocal cord from voice strain at the end of October. His hoarseness is not constant and he says he feels like he wants to clear his throat all the time.

He said he could feel a lump before the diagnosis but stopped noticing it once he got the diagnosis. I was with him at Ear, Nose and Throat and saw the polyp for myself on the screen when they looked down his throat. The doctor explained it very clearly that it was not cancer.

It is harmless apart from causing hoarseness and he will have it removed by a simple operation in February.

If your hoarseness persists for more than a couple of weeks make an appointment to get it checked because you shouldn't ignore it. But chances are it is something harmless. I was really worried about throat cancer but it is actually very rare. It is also very treatable when found early so try not to panic.

01-01-17, 18:32
My husband's voice became hoarse in August and I started panicking about throat cancer. I nagged him to the doctor and after two visits to Ear, Nose and Throat he was diaganosed with a polyp on his vocal cord from voice strain at the end of October. His hoarseness is not constant and he says he feels like he wants to clear his throat all the time.

He said he could feel a lump before the diagnosis but stopped noticing it once he got the diagnosis. I was with him at Ear, Nose and Throat and saw the polyp for myself on the screen when they looked down his throat. The doctor explained it very clearly that it was not cancer.

It is harmless apart from causing hoarseness and he will have it removed by a simple operation in February.

If your hoarseness persists for more than a couple of weeks make an appointment to get it checked because you shouldn't ignore it. But chances are it is something harmless. I was really worried about throat cancer but it is actually very rare. It is also very treatable when found early so try not to panic.

Thankyou for your reply that's really helped.

When I'm just sat here and not touching it I can feel a big lump and a sort of weight in my throat.
I do get a lot of neck tension so I'm hoping it could be something linked to that. I will see how it goes and make an appointment if it persists

Thanks again

01-01-17, 19:11
Katie P...

Allow me to speak frankly and obvious. Having a fear like this and smoking? C'mon... no more needs to be said. That's just ridiculous! If you have a fear of fire, why would you build one and stick your hand in it?

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

What you describe doesn't in any way present as sinister. That being said, it's time to make some lifestyle changes that will quell your fear of throat cancer.

Positive thoughts

01-01-17, 19:17
Katie P...

Allow me to speak frankly and obvious. Having a fear like this and smoking? C'mon... no more needs to be said. That's just ridiculous! If you have a fear of fire, why would you build one and stick your hand in it?

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

What you describe doesn't in any way present as sinister. That being said, it's time to make some lifestyle changes that will quell your fear of throat cancer.

Positive thoughts

I know Fishmanpa and i feel terrible about it 😞
My brain sort of stops me from thinking about what I'm doing and I've just been in denial for far too long, I don't even know where to start but I must get help and do it now. The thought terrifies me because I know just how hard it will be but nothing compared to being diagnosed with C.

I'm trying to think logically, think of all the other things it more than likely is.

01-01-17, 19:20
You know me... I'll just call you on it ;) You're young enough to make the lifestyle changes that will virtually eliminate the chances to realize your fear :)

Positive thoughts

01-01-17, 19:25
You know me... I'll just call you on it ;) You're young enough to make the lifestyle changes that will virtually eliminate the chances to realize your fear :)

Positive thoughts

I know. You're right. It's absolutely unthinkable that someone like me would smoke. :weep:

I'm going to ask my doctors for any help.

01-01-17, 19:57
Happy New Year KatiePink :)

I know how you feel about thinking the worst and associating lumps, soreness and all foreign looking things you may find in your throat or mouth as I, and FMP will be angry with me; but a smoker too!

I recently had a very bad bout of gum infections and foreign looking things that I would obsess about and giving up smoking has been on the cards for some time now.
there's no excuse, there's no ideal time, there is always stress and some sort of trauma in my life and I lean on the fags like a crutch and even believe it stupidly helps me with my anxiety. It's a habit and a bad one and I don't want to go on to patches or chew gum and I know for me that it will have to be a cold turkey withdrawal.
I've been putting it off and putting it off, cutting down one day and upping them up the next day and the 'giving up' has been stressing me out. So, I know how you feel.
I even used to drink a lot and that was relatively easy to stop, but the smoking is like some sort of demon attached to me where my brain says that I will feel better after a smoke. :dry: Wanted to say all of that, because you are not alone on this. x

01-01-17, 20:35
Happy New Year KatiePink :)

I know how you feel about thinking the worst and associating lumps, soreness and all foreign looking things you may find in your throat or mouth as I, and FMP will be angry with me; but a smoker too!

I recently had a very bad bout of gum infections and foreign looking things that I would obsess about and giving up smoking has been on the cards for some time now.
there's no excuse, there's no ideal time, there is always stress and some sort of trauma in my life and I lean on the fags like a crutch and even believe it stupidly helps me with my anxiety. It's a habit and a bad one and I don't want to go on to patches or chew gum and I know for me that it will have to be a cold turkey withdrawal.
I've been putting it off and putting it off, cutting down one day and upping them up the next day and the 'giving up' has been stressing me out. So, I know how you feel.
I even used to drink a lot and that was relatively easy to stop, but the smoking is like some sort of demon attached to me where my brain says that I will feel better after a smoke. :dry: Wanted to say all of that, because you are not alone on this. x

Thanks Carnation. I mean its an absolute no brainier isn't it, stop smoking save lots of money and save your life. Especially for people like us who worry alot.

I saw my nanna die from cancer and it was horrific, she had cancer 3 times and beat it, the fourth and final time it spread all over like rapid fire and her last few months were soul destroying. She was a heavy smoker.

So with all this in mind it just goes to show what an addiction smoking is, it's disgusting and pathetic but I feel like it's part of me, part of my life and have no idea how I'd cope without it. I'm quite a routine based person and my days are like groundhog day, so smoking has been a main feature day in day out at the same times ect, so as well as beating the nicotine withdrawal I think overcoming the change of your day to day routine/habit will be the toughest obstacle.

But i want to more than anything I really do, I suppose it's all fear, scared of trying and failing, not knowing how to fill the gaps. Something I've done everyday for over 10 years would be daft to think it's easy to stop, but if I don't try ive failed anyway! X

01-01-17, 20:51
I totally agree KatiePink.

I have also been using smoking as a tool to help with my fears.
I can't stand still talking to someone and grab for my cigs.
I get panicky and I think it calms me down.
If I am upset, I think it makes me feel better.
If I am over anxious, I think it calms me.
If I can't sleep, I believe it helps me.
I have to have something else when I give up and I just don't know what.
I also have a routine and it is part of it.
And I sometimes get annoyed with myself and just throw it away immediately after lighting up.
I'm a bag of nerves from the moment I wake up, to the moment I go to bed.
Someone suggested sweets, but then I would worry about all the sugar.
We will have to get some sort of plan and replacement KatiePink. x

01-01-17, 21:10
I totally agree KatiePink.

I have also been using smoking as a tool to help with my fears.
I can't stand still talking to someone and grab for my cigs.
I get panicky and I think it calms me down.
If I am upset, I think it makes me feel better.
If I am over anxious, I think it calms me.
If I can't sleep, I believe it helps me.
I have to have something else when I give up and I just don't know what.
I also have a routine and it is part of it.
And I sometimes get annoyed with myself and just throw it away immediately after lighting up.
I'm a bag of nerves from the moment I wake up, to the moment I go to bed.
Someone suggested sweets, but then I would worry about all the sugar.
We will have to get some sort of plan and replacement KatiePink. x

Yes I understand completely x
I work from 8am til 4pm and only have two cigarettes during this time, and it doesn't phase me but if I'm at home all day I would really struggle to only have two in that time! It is boredom and routine. I need something that keeps me busy, even though i will have to push through the physical withdrawals i hear that is over relatively quick and then its down to you to not give in.

Speaking to my doctor is the first thing and theyll be very glad to see me in there for that! I will definitely update on any tips I find along the way x

03-01-17, 16:39
I've been panicking about throat and/or lung cancer for a few months now. I have a chronic cough and an itchy throat. I wake up every morning with an extremely dry throat and I can just swear there's something in there. I've been to an ENT but he wanted me to try antihistamines which haven't worked. I'm so scared that I have some sort of throat cancer.