View Full Version : Been doing so well but now my mind is over powering me 😦

chatty girl
01-01-17, 18:22
I really have been doing so well and not been here for a while now, I'm sure some of you will remember me and my fear that I have bowel cancer.

Brief history, unexplained rectal bleeding (not from piles that I do have as I hadn't been to the tlilet) around april, full bloods done came back all fine, paid to see a private gastric specialist, recommended flexible sigmoidoscopy, had that all fine. No more unexplained bleeding but couldn't let it go, started to become extremely bloated and tummy cramps relieved by going to the toilet. Doctors advised start fodmap diet, eventually did and 100% better tummy but I still had the fear, paid again to see private gastric specialist he said he thinks ibs etc doesn't recommend colonoscopy.

So I've started losing weight with fodmap too nearly a stone now and everything has been good until this morning. I've been eating naughty things and drinking lots over the festive period so expect a bad tummy, throughout my life like many woman i suffer the odd spotting certain times of the month. So this morning after rushing to the loo i wipe not paying to much attention and gross i know but i always look and there was mucus blood at front the poo on its own (sorry) the stuff at the front looked like a hormonal bleed.

But I'm absolutely terrified again especially has this afternoon I've had terrible cramps and diarrhea which if this morning hadn't happened i would have put down to te awful wheat and party food plus wine from new years eve yesterday! !!

I drive myself crazy. Even if I could afford yet another visit to private doc their not going to do anything. They did the sigmoidoscopy and my doctor said x% of bowel cancers start in this area and I'd have black tarry poo if it was further up.

When i mentioned my weight loss to the specialist he said a concern would be a stone in a week. 28th December id put on 3lb weighed today lost 3lb! Now thats worrying me even more, granted i have been pooing alot and i try not to eat to much even if its bad stuff!

Thank you to those of you that take the time to read and or reply to this mammoth post xx

01-01-17, 21:58
Unexplained rectal bleeding would scare the best of us. The fact you had the tests done and they came up fine is perfect.

My guess from reading your post is your anxiety is getting the better of you. My wife gets stomach cramps quite regularly sometimes with and sometimes without diarrhoea. This is usually due to some food intolerance or stomach bug. She is hugely sensitive to these things.

Anxiety can cause weight fluctuations too, quite common.