View Full Version : Unusual weight loss

01-01-17, 18:39
I've experienced some unusual weight loss and can't quite figure it out.
It started a month ago after exhibiting at a table for a convention, I ate a bit less, but when I checked my weight at the end of the event, I was down much more than ever.

The day after that, I left for a two week trip to Hong Kong and Japan. Lots of exercise and not a lot of eating. My weight was still low upon arriving home. I attributed it to all the walking and less food.

However, over three weeks later and my weight has still not gone up. It's still unusually low for me, and my appetite is the same as it always is.

My travel stress is long passed, but I have the usual health anxiety, haha. I don't know if that's enough to keep my weight down while I'm eating, but not sure. If anyone has insight on this it'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much in advance!

Happy New Year!

01-01-17, 18:43
Lots of exercise and not a lot of eating and you are wondering why you are losing weight? Even if you returned to your normal eating habits its completely normal for weight to return to normal again, and losing weight while travelling is completely normal too by the way, has happened to me every time I travel

01-01-17, 18:48
Lots of exercise and not a lot of eating and you are wondering why you are losing weight? Even if you returned to your normal eating habits its completely normal for weight to return to normal again, and losing weight while travelling is completely normal too by the way, has happened to me every time I travel

Thanks for your response! Now that I think about it, I suppose that should have been my question- How long to return to a normal weight, haha. Sorry, this was the first time I'd had this happen so it had been stuck on my mind.

Thanks again :)

01-01-17, 19:51
how much weight are we talking about here?

01-01-17, 20:03
I've lost about 8kg (98 to 90) over 4 months (since my anxiety and stress peaked) without any major diet or exercise changes, i've seem to have stopped at 90kg thankfully which has helped my HA.

People ive talked to say its very easy to lose weight without trying when you're under stress, they compare it to a car using fuel, when your calm and relaxed your burning very little fuel, when your under stress its like driving around with your foot to the floor 24/7, any energy you put in your body gets burnt up immediately.

02-01-17, 06:50
I lost about six pounds, which is strange for me. For years I've hardly lost any weight as I usually always stay around the same number. Especially having lost so much weight so quickly. Just a bit concerning. I tend to be around 112 lbs, so when a few days later, right after the convention I was at 107lb, it was rather scary, haha.

I appreciate all your responses!

02-01-17, 17:37
I Can fluctuate 5 pounds in a single day, but I too get anxious when I drop weight.

02-01-17, 17:43
When my anxiety first kicked in I lost about 1.5 stone in 2 months. I was terrified because of it and was clearly making it worse

04-01-17, 01:20
Thanks for your responses, everyone. Good to hear I'm not alone with something like this. That always helps! Was nervous my weight still hasn't returned to normal, but I think it's better that it seems to not be going down, haha :)

15-01-17, 00:10
Just wanted to update- I stopped going on the scale and will not go on it more than once a week now to help with my anxiety. I have noticed however, that my ribs are much more prominent than usual. It is like I can see each one through my skin. It's grossly skeletal looking in my opinion. The rest of me has stayed about the same.

I'm still eating the same as I usually do, but haven't seemed to put on weight. If anything, I seem to gain nothing and lose some instead. I try not to worry, but my thin ribs are a constant reminder, worrying me that I'll keep losing and not gain the weight back.

I hate health anxiety, and hope that this is what's causing my problem. :(

15-01-17, 00:23
It's my opinion that the anxious mind sees, feels and perceives what it wants to in order to substantiate the thought or fear. I don't doubt you're seeing what you describe but I do doubt your actual perception of it.

It's like when someone says they've had "swollen" nodes after several medical professionals and tests say the opposite. The person still refers to them as "swollen" nodes to substantiate their perception. Another example would be anorexia. The individual is grossly underweight but sees an overweight individual in the mirror.

It's very good that you've curbed excessively weighing yourself. That's huge positive. Keep that up as well as your normal eating habits.

Positive thoughts

15-01-17, 06:29
It's my opinion that the anxious mind sees, feels and perceives what it wants to in order to substantiate the thought or fear. I don't doubt you're seeing what you describe but I do doubt your actual perception of it.

It's like when someone says they've had "swollen" nodes after several medical professionals and tests say the opposite. The person still refers to them as "swollen" nodes to substantiate their perception. Another example would be anorexia. The individual is grossly underweight but sees an overweight individual in the mirror.

It's very good that you've curbed excessively weighing yourself. That's huge positive. Keep that up as well as your normal eating habits.

Positive thoughts

I like that way of thinking of it. Though I definitely appear thinner, I'm sure you're right that my mind is blowing it far out of proportion. I'm going to keep that in my thoughts as I fight this! Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!!

Now I'm just trying to erase that fear that I may weigh less when I measure each week. And stop thinking of my ribs, haha! I don't have panic attacks, but I imagine the constant thoughts don't help me put on any weight.

15-01-17, 09:55
I lost around 40 pounds when my anxeity kicked in over about 4-5 months. I stopped drinking so much soda and mostly drank water even stopped eating sweets for awhile. I never felt hungry and always felt sick or full
Fast and acid reflux when I ate. But I have gained about 10 pounds back and I can eat much more now. Being anxious will make you drop weight or change your eating habits.

15-01-17, 15:36
When my wife left me I was 165lbs. I got super depressed and stopped eating all together. 2 months later I weighed 150lbs and freaked out, looked ill. Wanted to gain it all back and found that I had to eat 2x my normal caloric intake just to do that. So my point is, if you lose weight and then continue your same eating habits then you might have a hard time not gaining it back without really trying to.

15-01-17, 18:36
When my wife left me I was 165lbs. I got super depressed and stopped eating all together. 2 months later I weighed 150lbs and freaked out, looked ill. Wanted to gain it all back and found that I had to eat 2x my normal caloric intake just to do that. So my point is, if you lose weight and then continue your same eating habits then you might have a hard time not gaining it back without really trying to.

Eat donuts. Works everytime ;). And very tasty too. :D

16-01-17, 16:58
Thanks for the responses! I'll definitely have to try to eat more than usual it seems! (I'll add some donuts too, haha!) I checked my weight this morning after a week of not checking, and my weight has gone down again despite eating a lot. So frustrating, but I keep reminding myself it is likely anxiety is the culprit!