View Full Version : Pale stools

01-01-17, 20:26
Can acid reflux cause pale stools?

I started having them in the summer. I had full bloods done which came back clear and a plevic and abdominal ultrasound in October that came back clear. I took a course of Lansoperazole and some amitriptyline to help my ibs and the stools started to go back to light brown. I was good for a couple of months after coming off the ppi's but now Ive been getting an ache in my chest again and my stools are pale. They are normally formed otgerwise. so i have re-started the lansoperazole again. Also had a clear chest x-ray mid nov and just recently has clear blood tests again.

01-01-17, 22:18
Could it be a milk allergy? I've spent years working with small children and changing diapers, and occasionally I have been concerned because a child will have pale- almost cream-colored- stools consistently over a period of time. Whenever parents investigate this, they usually discover that it is a reaction to dairy. Switching the child to a lactose-free diet typically resolves the issue.
It seems you would know by now if you had issues with dairy, but I am told that allergies can develop at any point in life, so it could be worth looking into. Best wishes to you.

02-01-17, 07:36
Thank you very much. I will try cutting it out for a few weeks and see if things improve. I forgot to mention I also tested negative for celiac disease