View Full Version : Aching arm

01-01-17, 20:44
My health anxiety has been ok for the past week, can feel it creeping back upon me! I keep getting the dull ache right at the top of my back bottom of my neck if that makes sense? Than I get this ache right at the top of my arm that comes and goes,it's quite hard to describe as its not constant just on and off through out the day.

I sometimes get this pain right in the centre of my chest when I stretch my arms or move in a certain way.

I had a skin cancer scare the other week but managed to calm myself down I'm thinking now could it be..... What if....I've not got long left and so on!

Please can anybody help and talk to me?

02-01-17, 07:32

02-01-17, 08:04
When I get anxious I get tense.
This tenseness comes in the form of neck, collar, arm, shoulder blade, and chest pains. Ranging from sharp pains to a pressure type sensation. As soon as my anxiety leaves the pains and aches leave to. If your pain is none existent when not anxious, then it's the anxiety.

03-01-17, 07:19
Thank you for replying to me,I am feeling anxious quite a lot lately I think to myself any little ache or pain is melanoma under the skin,sort of had this feeling at the top of my other arm yesterday too:(

Wish I could just shake this feeling of dread off,just want to enjoy life with my 3 children.

bin tenn
03-01-17, 16:50
Muscle tension, overused muscles, etc. All those muscles are ultimately connected, and one pulled/sore muscle can create tension/soreness in the other(s).

03-01-17, 19:47
I echo Bins input everything is connected so aches and pains in one area can create or aggravate elsewhere. try to relax and I am sure you will see it all go away.

04-01-17, 20:58
I've had pain in my upper back these last 2 days and the pain I have been getting in my left arms I have had It in my right arm today,could this relates to my back? Also my neck felt stiff and than I got a headache think I am full of tension

04-01-17, 22:29
yes, I`ve got an old injury in my left trapezius and my left arm and thumb can go quite numb. I`m in for private physio this weekend and its likely to sort it out.
your back is such a big area and yes its connected to everywhere via your spine and nervous system so a stiff neck could cause all manner of sensations.
relaxation is key as sphincterclench has said, tension can be very subtle yet cause a slight change to your posture etc and make things worse.

have you tried breathing exercises, or progressive muscle relaxation? there`ll be loads on youtube i`d imagine. have a look and see how you can help yourself, you`ll feel a lot better about life in no time

good luck