View Full Version : Tinnitus

01-01-17, 23:29
I've had a low level ringing in my left ear for a few days now. I've not been that worried about it because its been a stressful week or so and anxiety has been high. But then I made the HUGE mistake of consulting Dr Google and was confronted by stories of people feeling suicidal because of tinnitus.

Predictably I'm now hyper focused on the sound and worried that its permanent and going to get worse. Has anyone experienced anxiety induced tinnitus? If so, does it tend to go away when anxiety settles?

No horror stories please! x

02-01-17, 22:02
Hi I have had it since August, been ENT doc gave me information about it and said some people need sedation to be able to live with it, mine comes and goes but I noticed that if I get anxious it makes it worse so I try not to I am at present trying to work out if its noise that brings it on say if the TV is loud or I am in a place where there is a lot of noise thought about getting some alpine ear plugs for when I go out if its not too loud I can cope as I don't hear it when going about my day but every once in a while it gets so loud that it brings my anxiety on and I get quite agitated so I break a 2mg diazepam in half to just calm me a bit and then the noise seems to dampen down I am hoping that in time it will subside as a lot of my symptoms from the early days have gone this is a new one for me its about learning to live with it but that's easier said than done

03-01-17, 19:06
Thanks for your reply lotusblossum. Thankfully the ringing has gone now, hopefully it was just from xmas stress. It really is v annoying and distracting. I hope you find some relief as you recover! x