View Full Version : Leg sensation really worried

02-01-17, 00:09
I'm really concerned about this sensation. I feel like my legs feel electricky, like they have adrenaline or something in them. If i focus on it it becomes really intense and unpleasant. I'm so tired but can't sleep for fear I'll give myself a seizure or something. It feels like I could go stiff or shake or something if I really tune into it.
I know it sounds so bizarre but I'm so scared. I'm scared I'll have a fit or lose control of my body somehow.
Can anyone help me

---------- Post added at 00:09 ---------- Previous post was at 00:08 ----------

Also I went to Google and 'electric feeling legs' came up as a popular search. Does this mean it's an actual symptom of something? I'm too scared to click on it

02-01-17, 00:38
I've spoken to lots of people who have had this symptom and it's exactly that.. your adrenaline. Then the more you worry the more anxious u get. I do get like a buzzing sensation in my legs but it is my anxiety

02-01-17, 00:49
Thanks emnemz. It's so awful that I've had to takr a glass of wine to bed, I feel so strange.
Adrenaline can't cause seizures can it? Because I can seem to release adrenaline voluntarily and I think this feeling is because I've been doing that, testing whst will happen with adrenaline. So now I'm scared I have like flooded my body with it and I might have a seizure or something. I don't even think that's possible but it's in my head now and I'm so panicked

---------- Post added at 00:49 ---------- Previous post was at 00:48 ----------

I've been obsessed over this for a while now, thinking my adrenaline has caused cherry spots on my body and all sorts. I'm twitching badly as well but I feel that's because of all the late nights and drinking over the holidays

02-01-17, 10:35
Hey, hope U managed some sleep. Absolutely not, adrenaline can't cause seizures. My anxiety had been worse from too much alcohol too. Can u get out for a walk etc? Try release some

02-01-17, 11:32
I got to sleep eventually thanks.
Still feeling strange though. I have had twitchy legs and a twitching finger for a week now, and the weird leg sensation. It doesn't help that I'm full of cold, and had a bit of a mad one on new years eve.
I'm supposed to be back to uni tomorrow but I feel like this I won't be able to go in. So that's stressing me now too.

02-01-17, 18:08
You will be fine, I've gone down that road before, not going to work, but I won't let it beat me now, I probably feel worse at home with time to stew over things, than I do with the distraction of work. Anxiety is always worse after drinking, I should know I drink too much! X

02-01-17, 20:36
I get the twitchy legs. It could be restless legs syndrome which is really common and just annoying. Meds can cause it. I find it helps if I do a lot of stretches in the evening.

02-01-17, 21:53
Thank you both.
I'm trying to get my head around going back tomorrow but it's really getting me anxious.
My legs are still twitching like crazy. So is my left finger. I dread going to bed now because I feel those 'electric' sensations get worse and so does the twitching. I used to love bedtime :(
I'm anxious about being anxious. I fell asleep earlier and was jolted awake, you know when jerk out of sleep when you're nodding off. That's happening more and more alongside the twitching so I'm getting increasingly worried. Does anyone else get that?

02-01-17, 22:08
I have this symptom! I can also force it to happen. At first it worried me but now I know it's fine I just do it randomly and it kind of chills me out

02-01-17, 22:21
Which symptom benisfked? The weird electric feeling or the jolty sleep thing?

02-01-17, 22:37
The leg sensation, it's weird to explain but you did it well. you kind of go stiff and shake. Feels like adrenaline flowing through up the legs. And when you hold your breathe and do it it's stronger? Does this sound like what happends to you?

02-01-17, 22:46
Yes perfectly accurate! Can't believe you can do it too! I went to the docs about it years ago cos I panicked incase it was harmful. Do you know any more about it? My doctor said it wasn't dangerous and I accepted that back then but now I'm worried over it again.

02-01-17, 23:00
I don't know much about it, haven't been to docs over it but I know that when I first started noticing I could do it I would panic very hard. Was a scary symptom as when you do it once you keep doing it until you just forget about it. But it just grew on me. I read it up and it's just that some people can release adrenaline imparently. But with an anxiety disorder like I have it's easy to overthink. Just don't worry about it at all, believe me it gets you nowhere good!
I can also force it to happen. It's easiest to do when laying down I found if that's the same as you?
Best of luck! X

02-01-17, 23:13
Yeah I Googled about it back then too, found the same thing that it was a voluntary release of adrenaline somehow.
It's so strange cos I had literally forgotten about this worry but since I've had an anxiety relapse it's all I can think about.
I feel like I have an urge to do it now and it's so hard to ignore so I end up doing it, then I worry incase it's doing something bad to me. I've been very twitchy lately so I've linked the two and decided I'm doing something harmful to myself! Do you get an urge? I know what you mean though, it can feel nice afterwards like you've just had a good stretch or something? Yes I can do it better lying down too, that's why I've started to dread bedtime. It's ridiculous though, I should just ignore it.
How did you get it out of your head?
Thanks X

03-01-17, 00:08
I just said to myself it's fine and it's harmless and after a while the fear goes, that's what I do with every symptom. Time heals everything! With anxiety disorders you're going to worry about anything and everything just learning to control the worrying is a key I found. As soon as your fear for something goes the anxiety of it will fade. Like I'm only 16 and thought I've had brain tumour and heart disease and many other things. Time has healed them fears! X

03-01-17, 00:55
Yeah, very well said. I'll just have to keep in mind it's not harmful and just hope it fades away.
I've had a long and very imaginative list of illnesses now too, all of which started when I was 18 with extreme panic attacks. Thankfully I got a good handle on those, all in time like you said.
Well thank you for your help, so glad I found a fellow adrenaline person!
Take care X

03-01-17, 06:19
I get the jolty sleep thing. I know it's OK because other people get it. I'd like to step out of myself and watch it happen - because it feels such a strong sensation - I wonder if I physically jolt.

03-01-17, 06:32
I've had the jolting thing when resting/trying to sleep. It was quite persistent when I was having medication changes, especially bad when coming off Mirtazipine. It mostly happened when I tried to have an afternoon nap and I would suddenly fling my arm or leg or whatever out and practically bounce off the bed. Often I would be nearly asleep and thinking about say reaching out for something and my arm would just go. Hopefully it settles for you as it's very annoying!